Small details...

by Garrett 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • OneEyedJoe
    One last thing I finally realized is that the majority of witnesses DO NOT want to wake up. I no longer feel like the brainwashing is all that's keeping them in. I think that deep down, they understand what were telling them and they know that what we're saying is truth, but they don't want to face that reality. For them, living in their world, they are doing something that they believe has purpose. Taking that away from them is devastating and the majority is not mentally capable of allowing their mind to accept the facts that we provide them with

    That's part of the brainwashing, though. The idea that if the cult is not true they'll have no where to go is very purposefully implanted in their minds by the cult.

    I would've asked him to name the "core teachings." Something tells me that most of them have changed. About the only ones that I don't think have changed at some point are rejection of the trinity and hell. If that's all that's required to be true, there's lots of true religions out there.

  • joe134cd
  • StephaneLaliberte

    Some of the core teachings held by Jehovah's witnesses are: no hell, no trinity, no saints to worship, no virgin marry, resurrection on earth, no learned prayers.

    The problem here however is that these are not really core teachings. If they had been, Jesus would have spent much more time to elaborate on these. Rather, he spent much of his time denouncing hypocrisy, liars, tyranny, those who judge, the type of core teaching that is actually understood by the great majority of christian religions.

    What has changed through the years? Things that actually change the lives or the christian and deal with the core teachings of christianity: No blood, preaching work as a requirement, no smooking, no celebration of the majority of holidays, no beards, disfellowshipping, understanding of apostacy, demogracy in the congregation, acceptance of civil service vs going to war, etc.

    It is not because you change something that you can call it details. These things all change the way JW live their lives and puts boundaries on how and where they display love.

  • nicolaou

    Searcher, before I reached your post I was already thinking of Triggers broom! Thanks for posting the clip

  • Xanthippe

    Garrett I like your car analogy. If you apply it to the key teachings of the religion when it began it goes something like this. The Bible Students started preaching that we are living in the time of the end that Jesus prophecied about and therefore we all need to leave Christendom and join them in the preaching work to survive Armageddon and save others.

    So first take away that it's going to happen in one generation from the Kingdom being set up in 1914. Say that it is going to be within overlapping generations of 1914, which could go on for decades. Then say that what Jesus prophecied actually mostly applied to the first century. Then say we don't have to reach everyone because God reads hearts, so let's do lots of building work instead to make ourselves cosy in this system with comfortable branch offices, KH and assembly halls, which by the way can you all send money to us to pay for!

    What you're left with is a totally different religion that has been changed piece by piece as you said. Now none of us are living in the time of the end at all. When they said millions now living will never die they were wrong and they're all dead. Either God got mixed up or he keeps getting his signals crossed to the FDS so they started too early.

    Even staying within their own beliefs now those alive are not living in the time of the end and they've proved that they can't work out when the end is coming. They are all going to die and have to be resurrected to paradise. How is that different from any other religion? So why bother preaching? Why not live their lives and wait for the resurrection? What's the hurry?

  • OneFingerSalute

    You hit the nail right on the head.

    That reminds me that when I was just a wee pup my father gave me a hatchet that had been in the family since the late 1700's

    It was the hatchet that none other than George Washington himself had used to chop down the famous cherry tree! My great-grandfather though broke the handle in the early 1800' and whittled a new one to replace it. And after many years of being sharpened the head finally wore out, and my grandfather threw away the old one and bought a new one to replace it. Then by the time my father got it the handle needed replaced again. Now I have it and have put a carbide bladed head on it. But by golly it is the same hatchet George Washington used!

    Anyone interested in buying this "genuine" piece of American history?

  • under the radar
    under the radar
    By golly, I guess you could say it really is the same bicycle or hatchet or whatever under the "overlapping parts" doctrine. Hmmm...
  • Ding

    Because of WT teachings, whenever you share TTATT with a JW, they see their choice as being between you and the organization.

    Sadly, because of the never-ending indoctrination, most will choose the organization.

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    I used to say the exact same thing.

    "All these things don't matter. It's all trivial. What is important is that the main teachings have never changed, that Jesus died for our sins and we are going to live forever on a paradise earth. It doesn't matter that these other teachings keep changing".

    Oh how stupid i once was.

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    One last thing I finally realized is that the majority of witnesses DO NOT want to wake up. I no longer feel like the brainwashing is all that's keeping them in. I think that deep down, they understand what were telling them and they know that what we're saying is truth, but they don't want to face that reality. For them, living in their world, they are doing something that they believe has purpose. Taking that away from them is devastating and the majority is not mentally capable of allowing their mind to accept the facts that we provide them with.

    I agree 100 percent. Which is why I've stopped trying to help wake up all of my friends. If someone is really upset about a change in the Org. I may give him a crumb to see how he reacts, if he doesn't, then I take it no further. He or she can continue to be slave for the WT.

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