No longer an MS! Hooray...finally!

by stuckinarut2 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJS


    Rear view mirror. That's where you need to put this ASAP. I 'stepped aside' a year or so before my exit; I couldn't take the Dark Lords and their draconian control any longer. We are all proud of you and looking forward to hearing more about your continuing exit out of the Borg.

  • 7Starz

    Resistance is not futile! Take control of your life and you will be the better for it.


  • Giordano
    My rule of thumb these days is that if it's a situation or event I can't attend in my sweat pants......... it's not worth going there.
  • maninthemiddle

    Yikes, did happen by way of "the back room"?

    I'm happy for you, and happy that you're happy. Congratulations.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yep, Back room under a dishonest guise!

    I will indeed share more soon.

    Thanks indeed for your support everyone!

    I read a great quote which sums up the way I feel:

    "Real friends walk in, when false friends walk out" 

  • stuckinarut2

    Hey all,

    Quick update!

    The buzz around the cong has been outstanding!

    SOOOOO many have contacted me in shock and disbelief about me no longer being a servant. In fact so many said "we thought you were going to be the next Elder!"  (damn, I must have been putting on a good outward show hehe)

    I have been careful what I have said, often replying "oh well, when strong personalities who have the power to influence take a dislike, there is little I can do to counter that. I'm still the same person I always have been...anyway how are you...?"

    So, since all of this went down, I have been hounded almost at every meeting by elders trying to be "my best friends" and all "pally / matey" to me! Yes, the same ones that manipulated events and fuelled gossip and slander... When they are SEEN by the general cong, they are trying to look like old friends...but in private chats they are seriously like school yard bullies!

    So, I am very guarded when they come up for "a chat" now mind you.

    Now keep in mind that I am not on any restrictions. I can do all "priveleges" like sound, microphones, reading the WT etc etc... But they are clearly trying to make the appearance in front of the general congregation that "they have my best interests at heart...that they LOVE me"

    The cong is so confused! 

    I am just going to use this to continue my fade... My wife is very discouraged by all of this (yay!!!) She is angry that individual personality conflicts have escalated into this, where the influential elders have even got the CO on side. She says things like "this is not gods direction, this is imperfect humans in gods org etc"

     Remember the main thing that started this was a bully of an elder implied that I was "too kind to the cong, and not active enough in encouraging them to do more in gods service" He is the biggest hypocrite in sooo many things that you wouldn't believe! (I could start a whole new topic on him alone!)

     Well, Im hoping that this all helps my family to wake up to the fact that this is not gods org... it is just a man made cult robbing people of the joy of living our lives.


  • OnTheWayOut
    Well, you go man.  
    I am reminded of something similar.  In private, the elders avoided me after I resigned as an elder and the C.O. had to tell the elders that "the branch" determined it was approved for me to resign several weeks later.  Anyway, the very next C.O. week, a substitute C.O. came.  The same Presiding Overseer (now COBE) and secretary who had not given me the time of day were making sure to pal up next to me in the auditorium after the meeting and make small talk about baseball or the weather (seriously).  
    I figured out that they were making sure to be seen talking to me so that they could tell the C.O. that they made every effort to reach out to me, and he would say "Yes, I saw you guys spending time with Brother OTWO."
  • stuckinarut2
    Yep OTWO, it is all about outward appearances!
  • Hairtrigger
    Congrats. Here's to the road less taken!!

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