"For bodily devotion is beneficial for a l...

by LDH 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    So along the line of other threads about mortality and every disease known and unknown to man, I pose a question:

    If you are an active JW, how much time per week do you spend on regular exercise (not the Sunday afternoon softball game)?

    If you are an inactive or ex-JW, same question, only: how long did it take you to realize that regular exercise should be a part of your life to maintain/improve your health?

    These questions are based on JW interpretation of the above scripture. How many were discouraged from participating in sporting events in school or there after?

    I might just post an experience that happened to me here in Fresno, when I didn't know the softball group I joined in City League was a CHURCH group, if you ask me nicely, LOL.

  • VeniceIT

    *jumps up and down*

    OH PLEASE!!!
    OH PLEASE!!!
    OH PLEASE!!!

  • LDH

    LOL, sigh, OK Venice!

    ha ha about two years ago I went down and signed up for a co-ed softball league (city leagues) and I didn't realize the group I signed up with was from this VERYYYYY zealous Baptist church (all black folks,LOL....) For the story line, please note, I'm an excellent softball player.

    I didn't really get a warm reception when they found out I wasn't a potential convert. Anyhow, my house had been burgled 6 mos before all my sporting equipment was stolen so I had just replaced my glove and bat. The glove was REALLY stiff, not worked at all, so I kept dropping the damn ball. The women were real b#*@!es. I kept saying "Sorry, new glove."

    Then my team is up to bat, all the women SUCK at hitting. I mean the whole spinning around, missing the ball, screaming like they were afraid SUCK. Well then it's my turn to bat, and the women say to me "New bat, too, huh?" Like the ugly greasy sarcastic @*#&es they were. Of course, their men felt they had to 'stand by their women' and they snickered too....

    Bases loaded, I hit that M*@$F*#&!@ out of the park, grand slam. I was so damn angry, LOL. I just turn around and said, "Oh it must be this new bat. BOOO-YAH!!!" LOL

    The game ends and I think we're going into this group huddle to discuss our performance, and lo and behold this dude starts praying. So instead of leaving and being rude I just stand there. This dude starts praying for the 'woman who has attracted attention to herself by her dress' (I was wearing Adidas leggings and an athletic bra) and next time she comes to practice, won't she dress like a lady of God and I realize he's freakin talkin about me, LOL. And all of the women are saying AMEN SHO ya right. but the men aren't, LOL.

    I then took a little closer look at the group. All heavyset women with weaves and they were wearing SWEATS!!! (Hello, this is summer, it was in the high 90's)

    Needless to say, I didn't go back.

  • LDH

    noone liked my story!

  • logical

    Its not just your story

  • expatbrit


    Actually your story was most entertaining! I didn't know bras could be athletic. Do they train for it?

    On the subject of exercise: every morning when I wake up I reach down and touch my slippers one hundred times. Then I get out of bed and put them on.


    Edited by - Expatbrit516 on 15 March 2001 18:34:6

  • LDH

    Logical You have been permanently added to my People I Don't Like List.

    It's not the same as Jehovah's book of life, but it's close.

    I am past sick of you.

    Edited by - LDH on 15 March 2001 18:34:49

  • logical

    Not very nice is it? Im honoured you think that much of me to keep me in a book of people you dont like

  • happytobefree

    I find exercise to be very important in my mental health as well as my physical. When going through therapy, the therapist keep stressing I take care of myself. And one of the ways for me to start was to lose 80 pounds I had gained because of a medication that was prescribed and also from my exercising the fork. So I signed up at the gym and started taking water aerobics and hired a personal trainer. After 2 weeks I started feeling much better - mentally (exercise helps produce serotonin). Now after a year of regular exersize and taking Tae Kwon Do, I have lost 50 pounds and still losing and feel so great.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • VeniceIT

    Okay Logical your sounding more liike Fred Hall everyday, I'm really begging to wonder!!!!

    Anyway great story glad you told it. I soooo understand, I thihnk that a sports bra would be a good thing though, a lot less bouncing around and all. oh well, I'm glad you go to hit that one out of the park I bet it felt good. How ever did you keep from laughing when he was praying about you dressing like a 'lady of god'. HMMMM I know I would have been dying. Thanks for sharing!!!!


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