Why Are You Upset with the Society?

by larc 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby

    Brother Franz succeeded him. He spoke seven languages fluently, but no matter where he went or what language he spoke, no one understood a single thing he said.

    Damn you farkle! Leave the dead alone!

    The REASON nobody understood him was he actually was one of the few big boys who could speak in tongues.....(it's a secret language between you and God if you not familiar with tongues) that nobody else can understand. He actually was spoken to in german when Jehovah would direct him.

    The reason the Judge drank was his deep love for Gods Organisation and people. He knew they would be tested severely one day and he morned for them the way Jesus did for his people.Booze was the only thing that eased his pain as xanex wasn't inventd yet. Hope this helps with your attitude of the deceased! May Jah bless you!

  • Kenneson

    Well, if it's all right for Mother Tower to point to and criticize the sins of other religions, why does she get so upset when "the shoe is on the other foot?" People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  • rosalyn

    so now it's all right to speak in tongues? but it had to be 7 languages?....no more no less?

    but I only had mastery over 6 so was I imperfect?glad I kept it a secret


  • Wolfgirl

    You want my honest opinion?

    Play on words.

    Larc = Lark

    From Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary

    Main Entry: 2 lark
    Function: noun
    Etymology: 3lark
    Date: circa 1811
    : something done solely for fun or adventure <ran for office on a lark>

    And from their thesaurus:

    Entry Word: lark
    Function: noun
    Text: 1
    Synonyms ESCAPADE, caper, rollick
    Synonyms PRANK, antic, caper, dido(es), frolic, monkeyshine(s), shenanigan, shine(s), tomfoolery, trick

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    There are two people we should never critisize; Jehovah and Larc. It is written so shall it be

  • larc

    wolfgirl, you broke the code, yep, the definition fits me all right. Farkel, thanks for bringing up some of the fine points of history which further cooborates my thesis. As you pointed out, it is all Bible based. Yes, and so were the Cedar Point assemblies. Everyone knows that. Going door to door with phonograph record players was also bible based. Rutherford said so.

  • ashitaka

    I myself have been encouraged by Jack Daniels, as Rutherford was. In his Holy mansion, drinking a brew that could only be compared to holy water....and man who was practically a religion in himself.

    *wistful sigh*


  • larc

    Ashi, I am glad that you have remained connected to history and maintained the relationship between Jack Daniels in the olden days and the Jack Daniels of today. This is an important concept that should not be lost through the vacuous vapers of time. I appreciate your willingness to maintain this important tradition. I know the Judge would appreciate your valiant effort to maintain this tradition as much as I do.

  • outoftheorg

    Oh all this good time down home spiritual fellowship! We should be so grateful to the Russells & the Rutherfords & Knors and especially the Fred Franzes of the world. They were surely supplied by Jehovah as a blessings on us all.

    Ok guys can I get out of this straignt jacket now?

    Hey guys? guys?

  • teejay

    >> As you pointed out, it is all Bible based. Yes, and so were the Cedar Point assemblies. Everyone knows that.

    Oh Man!!

    Larc, you are bringing back so many cherished memories!! If I remember right, the Revelation book talks about those ASSemblies being the fulfillment of the scrolls being opened?

    "Bible based"? You are right on the money.

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