Where are the Young Elders?

by James Jack 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Splash

    Maybe they have lost Jehovah's holy spirit when it comes to appointments, since they changed the method of appointment away from being scriptural:


    The GB - w08 10/15 p. 23 par. 12 Do You Take the Lead in Showing Honor?
    "First, it is Scriptural for "the faithful and discreet slave" through its Governing Body to appoint men to positions of responsibility."

    Circuit Overseers - Letter to Body of Elders 7/3/14/E
    Dear Brothers:
    1. As previously announced, effective September 1, 2014, circuit overseers will be responsible for the appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servants. This letter provides further direction regarding this adjustment.

    So if it was 'scriptural' in 2008, did it become unscriptural in 2014, or was it actually unscriptural in 2008 all along?

  • Londo111


    The organization has a desperate need as younger men are not “stepping up to the plate”.

  • Mephis
    I wonder whether there's an attempt to dodge liability with that change. I know in Britain that they've tried to claim that if the CO is involved then they can no longer be held responsible under charity law, because the CO is acting for 'The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses' which isn't registered as a charity here. The tribunal where they tried that approach called bs on it all the same.
  • pronomono

    As I started my doubting, there was an elder in my hall, early 30s, that got appointed. But I've been told numerous times by various elders that there is a strong need for younger brothers to step up because elder bodies are getting older and not able to do as much as they once were, in the congregation and at the regional levels. They need brothers to step up and help take care of these responsibilities.

    So, for me, it was never "What can we do to help?" It was always "What can we do to help you help us?" I've only had one elder make a true attempt to help, but he was one of the rare and the few. I think of him as one of the good elders, who really thinks he's on the right track and is trying to make a positive impact on others. But when you only have one of those types mixed in with eight others who don't care (or only give a token effort), his efforts can't go far.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i remember 40 ++ years ago--when all this elders crap first started. i had reached a point--in my early 20's---when i wanted out of religion.

    so i went to the congregation servant ( yes--thats what he was called back then--)-----he was a former bethel boy and district servant or some such.

    told him i was resigning from the religion--and my reasons why. he said he was glad i told him--as he was about to put me forward as one of the elders !! so much for the holy spirit -----what a load of rubbish. i was no more elder material than an astronaut.

  • tidalblitz

    Yes, I honestly don't want the busywork of being an elder. I see the effort put forth and I wanted no part of that. I already hated doing the talks in the school, what more having to do that and service meeting parts and public talks! Hell NO!

    In my hall, most elders in their late forties and fifties. There is one who is in their mid thirties. Lots of ms in their mid thirties as well. In my old hall, they had to bring in outsiders because all the elders were in their sixties and there was a lack of "qualified" men. All of the guys I grew up with in my old hall are pretty much out of the religion. About 8 guys in all. This religion is slowly becoming stale from the lack of new blood..

  • umbertoecho

    My nephew is an elder and has been since his late twenties. He has obsessive compulsive disorder and frets about everything. Everything must be just so........and this includes the order of his and others' religious thoughts.

    He loves his elder-ness. It makes him and his wife feel good to be doing the sorting work for god or the society..... The older women and men who are past 70 are not empowered to reject his opinions. He is an ELDER and it feels like a shot of spiritual testosterone for him as he prayerfully sentences this one or that one to approval level or the spiritual slag heap.

    I think some young ones may like this status.

  • ToesUp

    All the "thinkers" are leaving and the ones that know TTATT that may have family still in are just sticking around for all the social events.

    Then there is the young ones that just make Mommy and Daddy "proud as punch."

    A young couple came into a restaurant that we were eating at. It was on a Saturday, after the ministry would be over. We could spot them a mile away. Him: White shirt, bright tie, navy pants (clean cut). Her: Very plain (no make up), ankle length skirt and flats. Both: Pasty white (have not seen the sun in a while). Our 1st thought: Pioneer and future Bethelites or Need Greaters. You can spot em in a instant.

    This cult has absolutely NO SUBSTANCE!

  • Vidiot

    James Jack - "Where are the Young Elders?"

    Playing Vegas, double-billed with the Old Youngsters.


    Or maybe hanging out with the Young Republicans?

  • FayeDunaway

    Village idiot, to your comment on the other page: I think witnesses could start an ad campaign.

    'JW's....not quite as wacko as Mormons!'

    a smart young witness brother would be nuts to want the job of elder. It will suck the life right out of you. Only brothers who worship status would think it was worth it...and their wives so they can be an 'elder's wife.' Pathetic.

    edited: I was too harsh, above. I am sure some brothers who were once true believers thought being an elder was not just about status, but they could use the position to genuinely help the flock. Others thought it was just the right thing to do. I do believe that once they have the elders book in their hands and have been through some experiences, if they have true hearts their consciences will be very bothered by the procedures they have to follow.

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