
by SpiceItUp 18 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    I am going to go see it Saturday or Sunday night.

  • SYN

    Spicey: From the trailers, Signs just seems like a pretty standard find the boogie monster sort of movie. The Mothman Prophecies was a subtle psychological thriller!

  • LDH

    I will watch *ANYTHING* by M. Night Shyamalan.

    Other great M. works include :The Sixth Sense, and Unbreakable.

    I dig this dude. I'm going to a Friday Matinee because I can't wait any longer.


  • truthseeker1

    I'm lookin to take a girl to signs, its supposed to be scary! I'll be able to hold her...:)

    Now I just gotta find a girl.....

  • Scully
  • teejay

    Just saw Signs today. My god...

    I sensed early on that Shyamalan was covering a lot of ground. Although it was a long ways from a comedy, it was downright funny in places, too, not to mention scary. Lots of symbolisms. I'm diggin' Shyamalan. He's got potential.

    As far as the acting: I'm not a big Mel Gibson fan but I liked his work here very much. Very believable. And Joaquin Phoenix? That dude can act his ass off! He's turning into one of my favorites. And the little boy played by Rory "Macaulay's little brother" Culkin was pretty good, too.

    Although the plot that drove the movie was a bit hokey the premise was well put. Mel's character, the "former" Father Hess, summed it up on the sofa that night talking to his brother. About two kinds of people: those that believe we're alone to solve our problems for ourselves or if we have a Big Helper :::: out there::::

    Because of what had happened in his life, Father Hess had every reason to be where he was spiritually and Gibson pulled it off very well, I thought. His brother wanted to see things the other way and *his* viewpoint made perfect sense, too. I teared up seeing that powerful moment between brothers, talking from the heart, late at night. It wasn't the only time.

    I also liked how the coincidences came together in the final scenes. It tied in nicely with the convo btw the two brothers I mentioned: How do you explain/perceive the good and bad that happens to you in your life?

    Good movie. I'd recommend it.

  • Sirona

    I saw it too.

    Excellent film! Definately worth seeing. It really provokes some thoughts about what you'd do if it really was the end of the world!

    The little girl is REALLY cute, and Joaquin Pheonix is excellent! (not to mention totally gorgeous).

    Go see!


  • Nikita

    Oh my, I FINALLY saw this on PPV! I loved it! The only thing was, I made the mistake of watching while I was petsitting overnight in the rural mountains of WV, no one but me and the cats and dogs! Needless, to say, I had trouble falling asleep that night!


  • rocky220

    It reminded me of all the alien sightings reported in Puerto Rico in the 70's.......Signs was one creepy ass movie!!!!!rocky220

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