Ever lie on your service reports?

by The_Bad_Seed 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • chezza

    Hmmm, well i guess like a few here i never really lied about my hours or placements, after all"jehovah" sees everything we do, i did however round up. but always subtracted that from next month.... What used to make me laugh though was a brother who believed if he started preaching at say 9.15 and finished at 11.15 counted that as three hours, 9,10,11, see three, lol.

  • jimbob

    I still do. Usually put down a couple to keep the elders happy, (don't want no irregular publishers, now) But I always round up. 0=3.....1=5.........2=8.....etc.....but lately I've been writing down 3. :)

  • minimus

    everybody has fudged the numbers, but it's alright because it makes the service report look good to the circuit overseer and to the Society.

  • Mulan

    I am like TheStar, in that I didn't lie until I realized how bogus it all was. Then, I would report about every two months, and turn in 3-4 hours for all the months I missed. I didn't want a "shepherding" call to find out why I wasn't turning in time.

    While I was pioneering, there was a pioneer who had all of her time in by the 23rd of each month, and never went out............well maybe once or twice. She wouldn't tell us how she did it either.......and just smiled and said "don't be so nosy".

  • Outaservice

    Nope, never lied, butt...... if I was Pioneering, anything over 40 hrs. was time and a half! Hey, thats fair isn't it? The 'World' even alows you that!

    Outaservice (Who still has trouble trying to figure out where the decibel goes.)

  • Swan

    I'm so bummed after reading all of these posts! I never lied! I feel like such a FOOL! How could I have been so stupid?

  • Xena

    uummmm ok yes I lied...I lied a lot...

    I remember once when I was pioneering I didn't get out as much as I should so I ended fudging the hours but putting like one hour away from the total needed (I didn't want them to think I was lying!). When the CO visit came he included in his special needs talk an example of one pioneer sister who only needed one hour to get her time in...how hard would it have been for her to have just gotten that hour in..I mean he really harped on that one darn hour! ROFL I was so ticked off you would have thought I actually put the time in....so glad now that most of it was BOGUS.....

    So if you are out there CO...and you know who you are.....I only got in about 1/2 the hours I reported...SO THERE!

  • Swan

    OK. I'm not bummed anymore. Well a little.

    I just realized I'm a Junior Member now. Not a Newbie anymore! Not the FNG!

    Anyway, to keep on topic:

    I really did always report correctly, like a good little Dub, but like Mulan and Star, I was very disenchanted toward the end. I figured out how to get two Saturdays of field service in at the end of one month and the beginning of another, and then I had a break of almost 2 months. I think I was not the only one to think of that because the WTBTS caught on and they had a talk about it in one of the assemblies. By that time I really didn't care that much anymore, so I just became inactive.


  • SpiderMonkey

    Lied and lied and lied, and lied some more. Part of the reason I was kicked out of Bethel; I felt so much guilt piled up on my shoulders that I "approached the elders" about it. When I was a regular pioneer, I'd be surprised if I actually ever got more than 30 hours in a month, but I was counting something close to 90 every month... (Recently, when I started to hang around w/ some other XJW's, it was an odd kind of relief to hear one friend say, "Oh, Mike, EVERYONE did that!!")

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    I always waited for the phone call from the Book study conductor to ask me what my time for the month was...I always told him between 4-6 hours....and this without going out in service for 6 months and missing most of the meetings...kept them away from my door for awhile....LOL


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