Convention Invites are Idiotic

by cookiemaster 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cookiemaster
    So, like every year, there's a campaign going on about giving people convention invites and urging them to attend the convention. What an utterly moronic waste of time. We live 500+ kilometers away from the convention hall. To attend, members of the congo need to be away from home for several days, need to find accommodations, pay for fuel and the dozens of other issues and expenses that occur.

    Who in their right mind would believe anyone from these parts will attend? Honestly, I don't recall anyone ever doing that. Yet, every year we waste tons of paper and time, just to give away these ridiculous invites that people mock outright. Of course they find it laughable. Who wouldn't? It's a significant effort for most JW's to attend. Clearly, no sane "wordly" people would do that. So, why do they keep this idiotic practice going year after year?
  • Londo111
  • punkofnice
    So, why do they keep this idiotic practice going year after year?

    Probably, the GB thought it'd make money and some brown noser agreed. At least it keeps the JWs too busy to enjoy life.

  • sir82

    1) Primarily as noted, it is busywork. It also gives "inactive ones" (JW lingo for "spiritually weak deadbeats") to become "reactivated" in the field serve-us with an easy presentation.

    2) The GB generally can't see beyond the end of their nose. In New York, they are never more than an hour away from a convention site, so they think that the rest of the planet's 7.5 billion people all also live within one hour of a JW convention.

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    So, why do they keep this idiotic practice going year after year?

    For the same reason they keep teaching that 1914 was the beginning of the last days!!!

  • the comet
    the comet
    It is busywork. one thought about them I have though is, how many more years will it be before congs. print them out themselves? I could never see corporate HQ letting each publisher print them at home, the quality would vary to much. If the congregations would asked/strongly suggested/required to buy a printer set it up in the hall and print from there, that I could see. It's just 1 sheet of paper, you now have shifted costs to the congregations. The next step would be to have more 1 single sheet of paper campaigns, perhaps dropping the awake to online only, print out one page saying what's in the awake, directing them to the website. I'm just spitballing money saving ideas here, I don't see a reason why they wouldn't do some of this within 5 years
  • prologos
    ad it is done in the hope nobody will show up. out of a population of 10 000 perhaps 2 will show up confirmed? and then leave?
  • sir82

    Oh, and I remember commenting on this in years past:

    The GB hopes and prays that the work is a colossal, massive failure.

    Suppose a congregation of 100 publishers distributes an average of 100 invitations apiece. Pioneers more, Joe Publisher minus, but the average is 100. So 10,000 invitations per congregation.

    Suppose the convention they are assigned to is for 80 congregations - 80 congregations X 100 publishers, equals 8000 expected attendance.

    So the 80 congregations distribute 10,000 invitations each - that's 800,000 invitations.

    Imagine if just 1% accepted the invitation - what next? 8,000 strangers show up at a venue where there are already the 8000 JWs who were assigned there.

    Suddenly, instead of 8000 in attendance, there are 16,000. Parking lots completely fill up by 8:00 AM, traffic snarls all roads leading to the convention site for 4, 5, 6 hours. The building attendance exceeds fire codes - the fire department is called out and the order is given to evacuate.

    All that horrific mess - with a 99% failure rate!

    The GB hopes and prays that far far FAR less than even 1% will do what the invitation asks them to do.

    They give the R&F work that they hope and pray is a utter, meaningless, pointless, waste of everyone's time.

  • LisaRose

    And if anybody other than a Jehovah's Witness actually showed up they would be immediately grilled as to why they don't have a convention badge and parking pass. Women would be looked at oddly for not wearing a dress, men would be looked at oddly for sporting facial hair. They would be confused because they didn't bring a song book and wouldn't know what to sing. At lunch they would be hungry because they didn't know they would be expected to pack a lunch for religious services. After the hike from the parking lot they would be have to troop up to the nosebleed section, as all other seats would have been taken. If they managed to make it through that, they would be either bored to tears and/or horrified, depending on what they heard. After which they would beat feet home, and the idea of attending a Jehovah's Witness convention would never be mentioned again.

  • jookbeard
    It clearly makes "spiritually weak" ones step over to saying "goodbye" to the whole scam, hardly makes the long term for them appealing does it?

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