Abortion VS Child Molestation

by StinkyPantz 23 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • StinkyPantz

    Here's my personal view. I think it was wrong to say that child molestation was a lesser sin than abortion. At the very least they are equal. But because I feel so strongly about child abuse, I would rank it as being worse. For one thing abuse like this tends to keep going. The abused often go on to abuse another and on and on. Abortion at least ends with only a single lost life (which is horrible) but molestation can lead to many more. How many commit suicide after being abused? How many become child abusers themselves?

    I realize this guy was trying to down play what his priests were doing, his statement really bothered me.

  • SpiceItUp

    what a way to side-step the actual issue........

    If only the WTS had thought of that first.....imagine the press.

    *sigh* so much evil in the world and everyone wants to put on degrees.

    Helloooo it is a crime to abuse a child but not to have an abortion (at least in the US). (not that I am saying I believe in abortions but you get the point)

  • Dia

    In my opinion, it is a stupid arguement. There are many ways to die and many ways to be sexually abused.

    They vary so much that it is impossible to make a 'blanket statement' that could possibly cover them all.

    But the Catholic Church rightly believes in life and that, in life, solutions can be found or at least searched for.

    Death provides only, 'the end' of everything.

    It's a stupid question. The priest was stupid to make a statement like that (tho the media might have jumped on it to force their own conclusions) and everyone is stupid for trying to answer it.

    The variables are SO extreme, that the ONLY person who could answer that would be the person affected by it.

  • StinkyPantz

    Hey Dia, thanks for letting us know how stupid we are! I always appreciate those types of comments.

    I was only asking opinions (how dare I) not absolute answers! But thanks for your 2 cents, even if it isn't worth much.

    Edited by - StinkyPantz on 29 July 2002 19:54:10

  • Trauma_Hound

    Considering that the catholic church is responsible for 6 million European murders, they are hardly the moral authority. However I think molestation is far worse then death, because at the last the child isn't suffering at the hands of the abuser for years on end, and possibily becoming a molester themselves.

  • amac

    It all depends on how you view abortion. Understanding that Dr. Pell and many of his followers believe that abortion is murder, he was stating that Murder is worse than Rape or Molestation. I see nothing wrong with that viewpoint, although I personally don't like making generalizations like that. For instance, when I was about 5 or 6, I had a disgusting teenage girl use me to practice "making out" with and other sexual deviances. I was technically molested. I think any murder, including abortion, would be worse than that, as I was not traumatically affected. However, if you take a man who has molested several children in ways we don't need to discuss and, let's say, a man who murders someone he finds raping his wife. I think the molestation would be a worse crime. In the case of these comments, being focused on abortion, I still think it is too general to categorize the level of sin.

    Abortion at least ends with only a single lost life (which is horrible) but molestation can lead to many more.

    Yes, but is abortion a more commonly perpetrated "sin" than molestation? If so, that would mean that more lives are aborted than lives that are molested and, again if so, I'm sure that was behind the thinking of Dr. Pell.

    The other factor to do this is that we do not know the full context of these comments. The media is not exactly trustworthy.

  • MrMoe

    A biblical sin is a sin, so the Pope is an idiot, what else is new. Mind you the old guy can barely keep his head up, but his statement disgusts me and i personally feel it is a way to avert the child abuse "allegations" against and away from the Catholic church, as way to cast AWAY the bad light that is on them now -- as if to say "Look at us tho, we DID prevent a MUCH LARGER SIN, the death of unborn babies." Meanwhile they hide the fact that ther sickos have been covering over thier clergy molesting children, mostly little boys and allowing it to continue for decades upon decades. I find it all sick and disgusting.

    Personally, i am anti-abortion, but i still find child molestation much worse. Personal feelings tho should not be inducted in this equation, and if the Pope went by the bible he would see that a sin is a sin, no matter you cut it slice it or dice it.


    Of Thinks the Catholic Church is as Stupid as the Tower Class

    Edited by - MrMoe on 29 July 2002 20:19:7

  • VioletAnai

    Abortion is murder of a foetus that hasn't experienced life and love and human interaction.

    Child abuse is murder of the mind, heart and spirit and lasts a lifetime.

    The aborted foetus, if it feels pain, only feels it momentarily....the abuse victim feels it for life.

    Both a terrible thing, but it's hard to say which is more wrong. I think I would say child abuse becos of the ramifications on the child that has already developed a personality, emotions, relationships etc and then goes into adulthood with twisted perceptions, suffers far worse.

  • bitter mango
    bitter mango

    there is NO 'bigger' sin than harming an innocent helpless child!!! NOTHING!!

  • ashitaka

    We could debate semantics all night, but the fact is that these comments from the archbishop were self-serving, to try to steal some thunder from the pederasts. I don't think this strategy will work.

    Nothing like job security on the line to get Archbishops to open their mouths and "remove all doubt".


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