Revealing ID safe here?

by happysunshine 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz

    I personally think that if you get to know a person via this site it is okay to give out personal information. I have.

  • wasasister

    Stinky, I would qualify that just a bit. You may get to know someone, feel comfortable sharing things with them, and later the relationship turns nasty. (Reading a few threads on this board could give you an idea of how that might play out, right Prisca?) If you have shared personal information, pictures, or other private things with someone you trust today, remember they may be someone you don't trust tomorrow. I hate to sound cynical, but I've seen too much of it during my six years on the internet.

    Never send anything to anyone you could not stand to have revealed!

    As for this board, think of it as the cork-board at your local super-market, only BIGGER. It's a public place and anyone strolling by can read it, even if they are not registered. Before I would share anything as personal as a home telephone number, I would have to have an extremely high trust level established. (Blood samples, testimonials from two close relatives, FBI background check, etc.)

    Older and Wiser-Wasa

    edited to replace formatting

    Edited by - wasasister on 29 July 2002 22:4:43

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    I would recommend disguising your identity like I have. You never know when the WTS will try to keep tabs on you.

    Edited by - drahcir yarrum on 29 July 2002 22:11:33

  • Reborn2002

    drahcir yarrum-

    or should I say Richard Murray?

    Are you assuming all WTS monitors are NOT dyslexic?

    That one is kind of obvious.

    It is high time to stop living in fear of these WT assholes.

    Regarding giving out your private information to someone else, I say use caution. Not everyone on any discussion board is out for your best interest, but not everyone fits the unfortunate stereotype of being a psychopath either.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 29 July 2002 22:16:31

  • Prisca


    Not exactly sure of your intentions in bringing up my name in this, but I will explain something for the benefit of the newbies.

    As I have mentioned at other times, I am not DA'd nor DF'd and I still have family in the Borg. For that reason, I have kept my profile on this board pretty low key, becos the WT world is a much smaller one in Australia.

    Anyway, approximately 10 months ago I had a picture sent to me, that a friend had taken of me. Because it was the most recent pic I had of myself at that time, I sent it to a handful of trusted friends.

    Unfortunately, one of those "friends" turned traitor (whilst giving a veneer of friendship to my face), and forwarded that pic on to others, without my knowledge or consent.

    The pic came to fall into the hands of a paranoid web-site owner, who had perceived some slight against me, and then published the pic on this site, and threatened to "make me famous". He has never apologised for doing that.

    Anyway, as Wasa said, don't give out any information that could be used against you. Today's friend can be tomorrow's enemy.

  • wasasister

    Prisca: I assure you, my intentions were benign. I, too, have been deceived by those on the internet who appear to be trustworthy and later turn out to be something else (like married, for example).

    (This is a personal aside to Prisca that might be best handled in e-mail, but as it might serve to warn others, I'll say it publicly.)

    You and I have not exactly been "soul mates" since I started here. I got the impression early on that we disagreed about lots of stuff, some important and some not so important. Occasionally, we even butted heads. I simply decided to avoid posting directly to you and that seemed to keep us at a respectful distance. I like some people you do not, and vise-versa.

    However, on more than one occasion, people have teased - even threatened - to "out" your identity. The publishing of your picture was a dispicable act, in my opinion. Someone else recently taunted you with "I could publish the picture you sent me..." or words to that effect. It struck me how vulnerable we sometimes make ourselves here. We get to trust someone, thinking of them as a friend and then the next thing you know, our image is splattered all over cyber-space.

    Another example to think about, guys: I had a good friend who got "intimate" with a man she met through Yahoo chat. He enjoyed sending provocative pictures of himself to her (why are men so confident in their less-than-perfect-bodies?) He ended up treating her badly, and one drunken night she wrote to me, on the verge of sending those pictures to his very clueless wife. I talked her out of it. (In case you're wondering, this has nothing to do with anyone on this board.)

    Let this be a lesson to all of us to be extremely careful about sharing things that might embarrass us later. Remember poor Dr. Laura???

    Sorry to use your example like this, Prisca, but I think it might help our new friend, don't you?



    Edited by - wasasister on 29 July 2002 23:17:51

  • Prisca


    Yes I agree with you (I've always had respect for you, even when we have disagreed on matters, btw).

    Yes, it is a hard lesson to learn, and I'm sorry that you've also been hurt by an internet "friend".

    I guess we can just put it down to "experience", huh?

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