How much before a person snaps?

by MrMoe 62 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    MrMoe, don't try to take the pressure/stress all the way. Try to stop. You've got to do what's the best for you. You have to put your foot down, and say, "I can't take it anymore!" Find the cause and do something about it. I've been there. I could feel I was going insane. I just couldn't take it anymore. So I did somehting about it. Now I feel much much much better. :-D!!!


    Hey((( MrMoe))),we`re x-dubs we can take all kind of weirdnessJust never give in to it.I know things sometimes suck but thats how it is...OUTLAW

  • Prisca


    Are you trying to tell us you think your daughter has been molested?

    I can only imagine the pain you must be going through, but it is in your daughter's best interests that you find out who did this, and what you can do to make sure this never happens again!

    (((((((moe))))))))) be strong for you and your daughter!

  • Sunspot


    Dear One,

    Your pain and despair are SO apparent, and I hope you can find some kind of comfort in following some of the very wise suggestions that were offered before I logged on.

    It's difficult to offer help not knowing exactly what the problem IS, but my heart goes out to you.....



  • BugParadise
    i don't feel like being strong anymore i fell like giving up because it is too much but i cannot give up not now so how do i be strong must be strong can't be strong not anymore and my brain feels mushy really tired and i will just keep faking like it is ok cause this is my job

    {{{{{Moe}}}} Hang in there!

    and if all else fails .. look in the mirror! If I looked liked you I wouldn't mind snapping once or twice


  • BugParadise

    I said: and if all else fails .. look in the mirror! If I looked liked you I wouldn't mind snapping once or twice <<

    To clarify : That was meant in a good way btw .. I should of said if I looked as good as you .. :D


  • LyinEyes

    Mr. Moe, it must be very hard to be a single mom, with all the responsibility of a young child 24/7. I totally understand how you feel you are about to break, maybe you already have in a way. I dont know you that well, and I don't understand what you are trying to say in this post, but you need a break. I have been there myself, just totally felt exhausted and had to go to my bed and close the door. I am thankful to my husband for being there to back me up and take the kids off my hands when I felt I could take no more. Sounds like you need some alone time, is there anyone you really trust to watch little Emmie for just half a day or even a few hours? That would give you time to go to your room, get in your jammies, and curl up and think. You may even fall deep asleep, it may be what your body is needing right now. Sometimes our minds just get overloaded with lifes problems, especially if that have to do with our children.

    Taking a few hours for yourself will not solve everything, I am not saying it will at all, but it can help you to make a first step in deciding what your next step will be. Maybe you will decide to go to the doctor, or talk to a trusted friend, but really it will help to just close your eyes and not be a mommie for just a few hours. Sometimes the mommie needs to be taken care of too. Of course again , I dont know what is really the root problem that has you so upset, it is hard to say what to do, if you don't know the whole story. But when I felt I was falling apart, it was nice for someone (my hub) to say ,, go rest and let me help you. I hope you have a support system . Wish I was there to help you , hon... my little girl is 9 and she would love to make over and be a big sister to your little girl. If I lived close I would take her to Chucky Cheese with my kids, and she would have a blast , and you would know she was ok and having fun. Then you could collect your thougts and get a little rest. There is nothing wrong with needing to take care of yourself...Please let us know how you are doing ok... I will be wondering if you are ok. Hugs and love,,,,,,,,,, Dede

  • Vivamus


    I am still rather new to this forum, and so I dont really know you. But my heart goes out you none the less. I am sorry you are feeling so tired and feeling so much pain. I wish I could help. There has been some great advice offered here, I hope it will help you. My thoughts are with you.

    Take care, and be strong for yourself and for and Emmie.


  • SYN

    This is a terrible thing to happen to anybody - and for it to happen to you, is simply adding insult to injury, as I know you were already having LOADS of problems.

    For the posters here, Moe has been going through a lot of BS lately, above and beyond all the other events, and right now she is really between a rock and a hard place.

    Amanda, my love goes out to you as always...

  • SpiceItUp


    call me.

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