Are atheists more likely to be morally good than Christians?

by FusionTheism 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • millie210
    Laika I don't know but introspection is always helpful. Whenever we think we derive our morality from the "group" we belong to, I think we are in danger of 'missing' our own evil. It is a dangerous path

    You made a bombshell of a post in a couple sentences.

    The problem is, the people who would most benefit from introspection seem unaware of its ability to transform their own life.

    In plain English - they dont do it!

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake


    An an atheist wouldn't vote down an HPV vaccine because it encourages promiscuity.

    An atheist would never even think about forcing a 12 year old girl to have a rape baby because the soul is infused at conception.

    an atheist wouldn't decline (or decline on behalf of someone) a blood transfusion.

    an atheist wouldn't tell whole countries that contraception is sinful and thus promote the spread of aids and poverty.

    an atheist would never ban stem cell research that could end the suffering of millions.

    this list could literally go on and on. These are just a few modern examples. Religion is no more a moral entity, but an immoral one we have no need of as a species.

  • freemindfade

    Good point JD

    At the root of this is:

    • Religion Dictates Moral Guidelines
    • Atheism Dictates NOTHNG

    If your religion asks you to do something immoral its the WORD OF GOD

    Atheism ask you to do nothing, it is up to each individual to gauge moral decisions

  • Ruby456

    there are loads of atheists who have done good things in the world and this would definitely put them on a par with believers. Here is short list


    Thomas Carlyle

    David Hume (sometimes agnostic, sometimes atheist)

    Denis Diderot

    Karl Marx

    George Elliot (pseudonym)

    there are loads more

  • freemindfade
    The thing about religion and atheism and credit, is religious people do it for a pat on the back from god and every other human, its publicized far more, and atheist just does it because it's right, not to try and prove an atheist point.
  • Vidiot

    FusionTheism - "If atheism is what causes people to do great positive things for the world, then why weren't Martin Luther King, Jr., William Wilberforce, Isaac Newton, Francis Collins, Barack Obama, Mother Theresa, Abraham Lincoln, or John F. Kennedy atheists?"

    Because even in this day and age, it isn't particularly socially or politically expedient to be an atheist.


    Outlaw - "There are crazies on both sides of the fence."


    It should be noted, however, that the religious ones are a lot easier to spot.

  • freemindfade

    Christians and Atheists can run the whole range or of morals, however....

    I can say atheism does not promote bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, violence, and ignorance, that takes religion.

  • zimunzucz

    In some ways, religion has created it's own problem.The religion that is most active in supporting food pantries and homeless shelters will positively draw the homeless into that area, which could encourage people to avoid working for their daily bread and seek free handouts instead. A society that only distributes help based on true need, rather than blanket "feel good" charity is probably better for society.

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