Name your favourite kingdom melody?

by haujobbz 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Matty

    I understand that Prince has signed over all the rights to his old songs to the Watchtower Society, so expect a new song book soon. I think the song "New Position" must be about becoming an Elder.

  • bay64me

    I love song no 201 Rejoicing With God's Nation.

    Who the hell wrote that?

    And what was he on?

  • FreeRangeChicken

    oh dear god, why?

  • FriendlyFellaAL

    If I never hear "Be Glad You Nations" again, I'll be one happy guy! I had a family member who played that on the piano incessantly. Argh!!

    As far as I now, they are still using the piano at the local congregation. Was there a 'mandate' given regarding the playing of the pianos at the hall? Yeah, they don't go beyond what is written, do they?


  • larc

    I liked two songs, Take sides with Jehovah, and The sword of the Lord and of Gidean. I don't know if they are in the song books anymore. They have changed song books at least twice since I left. Yes, I am an oldie but a goodie.

  • Gopher


    They changed that Gideon song -- the lyrics go something like "Let's preach this good news far and wide. Take your stand on Jehovah's side. And thus tell great and small on God's grand name to call, and blah blah blah blah his salvation".

    I guess the old lyrics were too Babylonish and war-like. So they turned it into a preaching march.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    In all seriousness, my favorite is "Keep Your Eyes on the Prize" (song 119 in the pepto-bismol pink song book). One of the few songs that actually spoke of hope.

  • bay64me

    Actually, the best memory of that morbid tripe that they call melodys, is when the crappy tape-recorder-thing broke down and the poor pathetic brother on the platform had to count us in. With a swish of his hand and a hesitant 1 -2 -3 he sang the first note about an octave and a half too high and no-one could reach the notes which in turn forced the more musicaly talented ones of the flock to endevour to rectify the matter by singing more loudly in what they deemed to be the correct key!The resulting sound was utter chaos to ones ear, nontheless an amusing distraction from the usual tedium.........Ahh the memories are all flooding back!

  • Mac


  • thewiz

    drahcir yarrum

    Tommy Lee? from Motlet Crue-(x)?

    he isn't, but his dick is; wit h it's own area code too, I think the zip on that is 666 and that's in inches.

    there should be a song in there called: "i'm a mindless idiot"

    Edited by - thewiz on 23 July 2002 19:54:30

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