Is it just me?

by FiveShadows 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere


    WHEREAS I am on a divinely inspired and mandated mission to tap the ass of every Reese Witherspoon look-alike,

    You are HEREBY notified to report to me via email in order to make further arrangements regarding the furtherment the aforementioned divinely inspired mission.

    Thank You.

    (Yes I just made up furtherment it just seemed to fit)

  • SYN

    <nudges Viv's elbow>

    Viv: You could do worse than Elsewhere! Unfortunately he is on the other side of the planet!

    [SYN], of the ApostoMatchMaker Class.

  • Xander

    Oy...Ruby AND Viv...what's with all the xJW cuties lately?

    (SYN: Yeah, right, Florida, uh-huh, we've heard THAT before.........besides, I can't think of ANY reason you'd feel the need to fly halfway around the planet, I mean, c'MON...)

  • Vivamus

    Xander, you can't think of ANY reason??? Don't know whether I should be a bit insulted, or just decide on you having little imagination.

    SYD, Have a blast whilst in Florida!

    Edited by - Vivamus on 23 July 2002 11:54:27

  • Xander


    Ah, sorry, you probably missed the joke, not here long and all.

    SYN + MrMoe (sitting in a tree, -K- -I- -S-....)

    Oh, sorry, probably USAism...

    MrMoe lives in Florida, though. I was merely teasing SYN.

    In any case, I live in the US, and trust me - you ain't missin NOTHIN in Florida (state-wise, that is). MUCH nicer spots to visit in this country that aren't so....ehhhh...tacky?

    {ducks as Floridians stop recounting their ballots long enough to throw things at me }

  • Goodboy

    Well, having been intimate with Reese Witherspoon and Viv, I can say that they are quite alike, but then they all look the same with their face in the pillow.

    Was that crass?


  • Vivamus

    I dont believe you know Reese personally, so d ont brag Goodboy.

  • Goodboy

    You know I do! We both went home with her that night?

    Man you _were_ wasted!


  • SYN

    Vivamus: SYD?

    Xander: Hehe! And I know about K-I-S-S-I-N-G, we're not completely backwards in South Africa you know . You want tacky? You should visit Johannesburg sometime. Then you will truly experience tacky. Hell, half the people here still have MULLETS.

    Oh, and BTW, KISSING is only one of the activies I plan to be engaged in while up that tree! <super giant grin>

  • Vivamus

    SORRY SYN! Sorry, sorry.....

    Vergeef me!!!

    Edited by - Vivamus on 24 July 2002 15:14:29

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