Help me out here....

by Wolfgirl 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wolfgirl

    OK, I'm new to this site. I'm currently questioning a lot of things. I do NOT want to be "preached at" by either side; that'll just make me leave. I just want plain, simple facts.

    A little bit about me...

    I'm disfellowshipped for immorality. I freely admitted that I was having a sexual relationship with my then-fiance (a "worldly" man). According to the Bible, sex before marriage is wrong. I have no problem with being disfellowshipped for it. What led up to it....

    My first husband was studying when we first started dating. We married very shortly after his baptism, and I was privately reproved a couple of times for dating him. Long story short...he was not all sweetness and light, and no one would believe that he got off on dominating me in bed. Some friends later (not JW) went so far as to say that what he did to me was rape. He also played mind games with me. The elders said it was my word against his. Fine. I divorced him, which they counselled against. When the elders came to our house to see us, the first words out of one's mouth were: "So Lisa, what's your problem?" To be fair, the other cringed when he said that. One was fair to me and said they couldn't do anything because it was too personal and that there was no way to prove what had happened. Which was true.

    Anyway, I divorced him, and had one of those rebound flings. I think I was rebelling. Stupid "relationship." Met and fell in love with a wonderful Englishman. We had sex before marriage. My ex-husband, who was stalking me at the time, told my family I was involved with another man. He must have told the elders as well, because they came over. I told them it was true, and that I wasn't going to stop. They were pleasant, and asked if I understood I would have to be disfellowshipped. I said I did; I didn't really care.

    At the same time all of this was happening, my repressed memories were returning to me. My father, who was an elder, had sexually abused me. That's not to mention the physical and emotional abuse by both parents. My mum pressured me to tell her what was wrong, so I did. She didn't believe me, naturally, but questioned my father. He admitted to the abuse. He told the elders (from his congregation, different than mine) that night. He wanted to step aside as an elder. They said it wasn't necessary because the abuse happened before he became a JW; it didn't matter that he had lied for over 20 years about it. He stepped aside anyway, but he still had all his other privileges. It wasn't until I wrote a letter to the elders asking, among other things, how they could say they were any better than the Catholic Church if they allowed this sort of thing to go unpunished, that he lost some privileges. They said they didn't do anything before that because there was "no public outcry" about what he did. *rolls eyes*

    My long-lost aunt (because she is also disfellowshipped) just recently found me in an online search. (She lives in the US; I live in France.) She is the one who told me some things I hadn't heard before, such as the UN thing.

    Can someone please provide only solid facts here for me to see? I don't want the shadowy, conspiracy-theory sort of things. Just proof of whatever you know of that can give me something to base future decisions on.


  • ozziepost

    G'day to our newest French traveller! Welcome aboard! We hope you enjoy the ride! ... to freedom, that is!

    You will find many fellow travellers here and I'm sure you will receive much helpful advice and support.

    Mrs Ozzie and I have found a number of books helpful but if you would like a "read" on the behind-the-scenes of the WTS and a corrected view Watchtower doctrine, you can't go past two books written by Raymond Franz, a former GB member. They are entitled "Crisis of Conscience" and "In Search of Christian Freedom". You'll find details on the web-site I've included a link for here:


    Cheers from 'downunder', Ozzie

  • Vivamus

    Solid facts? Well, there are plenty to be found. Have you read Ray Franz "Crisis of Conscience", Or M. J. Penton "Apocalypse delayed". There is also a whole lot on the internet, links to newspapers etc. What exactly do you want to find out? When I started investigating I was searching mostly for the history on false prophesies, hence the titles I gave you.

    Good luck! Viv.

    Edited to say: Welcome on board!

    Edited by - Vivamus on 22 July 2002 5:48:43

  • Cassiline

    Hello Wolfgirl Welcome to the forum!!!

    I am sorry to hear of your fathers abuse and the elders basic denial of his wrongdoing. Hugs to you fine lady.

    You asked for information. You mentioned the UN issue here are two links dealing with that matter. A lot to read.

    You can visit A forum for abuse survivors that is mantained by a former elder.

    Some other informative sites;

    Hope this helps,

    Take care lady, hope to see you about the board!

  • Xandria

    Wolfgirl, First of all

    There are also books out there .. Ray Franz has one and other resources to look at. Just keep an open mind. Happy Researching.

    Warm Regards,


  • Wolfgirl

    Wow...that was quick! Loads of reading to do...thanks guys.

    I should probably add that even though my husband has studied the Bible and knows what it says, he is probably one of the least religious people you would ever meet. When he sent an email to my sister saying that he didn't understand how any religion could separate family, since the Bible says that 'he that doesn't care for his family is worse than a person without faith,' she never responded. When I questioned her on her lack of reply, she said my husband was rude to her and hurt her feelings. She didn't know I had seen a copy of the whole conversation, because he bcc'd me. He was respectful and never once rude. Oh well.

  • SYN

    Hi Wolfgirl...I'm not going to go into great detail about the Organization (or the BORGanization as we "affectionately" call it around here ), suffice to say, there are many, many things you DON'T know about that you were never told by your Elders. Bad things. Horrendous things. Read through sites like the Watchtower Observer and threads on this site to see what I mean. Have you seen Panorama and Dateline? Both are available here.

  • Europe

    Hi Wolfgirl,

    If you want to know everything about the UN business, proof included, then visit:, click in the right top!

    Take care...

  • ozziepost

    Just had another thought, Wolfgirl.

    Now you've got the board up on your screen, use the Search facility to find threads on various topics. Could be useful, as whenever something new happens in the Borg, you'll read it here first !

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Edited by - ozziepost on 22 July 2002 6:18:32

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    May I welcome you, and no, I will not discuss conspiracy. May I suggest you ease into whatever you plan to accomplish. Do you taste all the food that's placed on a table at once or one at a time?

    May I suggest you browse around and choose what appeals to you. Enjoy.

    Guest 77

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