Put these words into a sentence..LIFE,MESS,IS,MY,A

by kat7302 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • kat7302


    I can tell that your young, attractive and full of life.......

    gees, you've already met me? lol..you are so right!

    Joking aside, I appreciate your comments, Im certainly full of life! We all get a little lost I suppose and you're right that the future can seem overwhelming but I will get there on this one. A baby is the most precious thing you can do with your life and theres so many people out there who are unable to experience what its like to have children that I should be grateful Ive been able to do it.
    Ive hit bottom a few times in my life also so I do know that there can be light at the end of the tunnel (another cliche!) but knowing that doesnt always make it easier altho it should really.
    I know Ill be fine in the long run, Ive found someone who makes me truly happy and loves me for being me, not something he wants me to be. Thats rare enough these days. I just never imagined myself with 4 children at 24!

    Cheers for the emailing invite to, the same goes back...you guys all have my email address now so feel free to write any time.

    Thanks again for your time taken to help sort out my 'ikkle problem!


  • Gopher

    Not to make light of this, but did you ever see the movie "Father of the Bride II" with Steve Martin? He becomes a father and a grandfather on the very same day! Nice comedic touch to a situation becoming a little more common as people become parents at older ages than they did before. (Not saying the "same day" situation is common...)

    Best wishes to you...

    Edited by - Gopher on 22 July 2002 18:57:20

  • kat7302

    Hey Gopher

    Yeah I have seen that film and couldnt help but bring that up to the boyf! You've gotta laugh about it really cos it isnt that common a situation! His child and grandchild will be in the same academic year! ironically enough tho...I will be a step nan at the ripe old age of 24! how can you not laugh at that?

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