Put these words into a sentence..LIFE,MESS,IS,MY,A

by kat7302 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • kat7302

    Im not so bothered about the elders thing..Im already DF's! Im not divorced yet,its still going through. Dunno how Im gonna tell him (the ex) he'll be devastated. I know what you're all saying about being happy and stuff but Its really hard to be.

    EUROPE....yeah Id heard of contraceptives and was using them too. What else could I do?

    SLEEPY....nice play on words........that sounds better than my original sentence.

    Thanks for the replies, keep em coming, the more I can talk about it the better I think.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Kate7302, the norm in your situation will be, shock waves. OK, lets ride the waves and enjoy it, yes, let's go surfing.

    You need to remain as calm as you can get and do some 'slow' deep breathing exercises. You should be familiar with the breathing exercises as a mother.

    I assume you are on your own, correct? If so, it is none of anyone else's business what you do. Do anyone of these people put food on your table? You have a responsibility to your children and yourself, FIRST on the agenda.

    Since I cannot read the heart of the man you love, you need to talk the situation over together and come to some happy arrangement among both families. No time to be holding punches from each other. Children need reassurance, give them comfort and lots of hugs.

    I was put into a similiar situation with a spiritual sister many moons ago and all I did was console her. A neighbor book study took advantage of her. Nothing happened to her. Today, the shoe is on the other foot, and I'm shunned by the same sister that I helped, go figure!

    Try to maintain as much balance as you can on the surf board of life. Enjoy. Things do have a way of working out when you allow patience to do it's work.

    Guest 77

  • Wolfgirl

    Some good advice given there...this is between yourself and the man in your life. (I hate using the word "boyfriend;" it sounds so juvenile.)

    Do what makes you happy. I spent my entire life in the organisation, and was never really happy. I left to be with my now-husband, and I've never been happier. I feel genuinely content.

    An unexpected child is a difficult situation, but I'm sure that if you both really love each other, you can overcome it. He made choices as well, and if he's DF'ed, well, so be it. He made the choice to be with you; he must be happy with that.

  • gravedancer


    Think LONG-TERM. In 5 or 10 years you will be having fun with all your kids and this will be a time you herdly even remember. Look to the future. This time will pass and you will move on and enjoy your life with your children at the very least. Much more future upside than downside!!


  • kat7302

    Guest..yeah I guess I am on my own in some ways........this man does love me and we get on brilliant so Im sure that in the long run things will work out. Nice reference to surfing by the way..one of my fave artists is Brian WIlson (the original Beach boy!) and I recently got to meet him - oh my god, I met Brian Wilson...one of my top 5 songs of his? Surfer girl! Another top one would have to be 'In my room' that got me through some of the JW years!

    Thanks for the advice, heres to happy surfing!

  • kat7302

    Wolfgirl - thanks for your reply.......told you it wouldnt take long to find your way around! I wasnt happy in my marriage either and this relationship is definatley making me more content and allowing me to be myself which is something Ive never been either in relationships or life as a JW. Youre right about the word Boyfriend, for a guy who's 40 I guess it doesnt really apply! Your advice was really sweet, if he loves me then Im sure that everything will work out okay. I suppose that its only been a few days so far so we're both still in shock. Im planning on telling my parents today or tomorrow. Ill let you all know how I got on!

  • kat7302


    much more future upside than downside.....

    Cheers for that. I guess as JW's we cnat help but worry abotu our actions and how things will affect us and our families long term. Ive been out of it for 10 years now but I still seem to think of something JW every day. It was sweet what you said about playing with our children in 5/10 years time and you're right. My oldest is 5 and then 3, then 1.......at 24, Ive lived quite a life but I do have so much fun with the children. They are my whole life. I suppose I never really wanted to have children by different men......maybe this is linked back to my JW days again.....god!

    Appreciation for you commenst though. It always means so much to have people take the time to talk to me.

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC


    A baby, fruit of your love is a blessing. Finanancially my grandmother would say, just add a little bit more water to the soup.

    You're already DF so you don't have to worry about that. You're worrying about your ex? Did you have hopes of getting back together? Remember that you weren't happy with him. Free counseling is offered by many non-profit agencies. A professional migh help you sort out your feeelings.

    I understand the whole thing about having kids from different men. I only have my husbands daughter. Someday I'll get married & hopefullly have another child. My daugher is 9 now. Your children will all grow up together.

    Haven't you heard of Michael Douglas & Catherine Zeta-Jones? Her husband, Michael is 2 years older than her dad & they have a 2 year old a baby boy, Dillon.

    Tommy Motola, (Mariah Carey's ex-husband-Sony records CEO,) married Thalia a Mexican Soap Star & Singer. HE's in his mid 50's & shes's 20ish.

    There's also Celine Dion & her hubby. They just had a baby.

    If you love him age shouldn't matter.

    What matters is that he loves you and that you'll all be happy family.

    Try watching this Movie named "Camila". It's dubbed into english. IT's based on a true story from Argentina.




    Sorry to hear of your difficulties but I think Gravedancer nailed it. It's hard to look into the future when things are looming overhead at the moment but things will get better. I've hit bottom and once you're there, there's no where else but up (geez, talk about cliches). Just rely on tried & true friends. I can tell that you are young, attractive, full of life and have so much to look forward to. It will get better. You can email me anytime. When I was going thru my most difficult times I discovered many new people who really cared about me and helped take care of me, keeping me from harm's way. I know you will cope with these problems and discover what is best for you. The very best to you Kathrin,


  • kat7302


    Thank you for replying. Im not worried about my ex in the sense of me getting back with him.. i think that he wants that so Im really worried for his feelings. Ive made it clear to him that Ive moved on and therefore we cant go backwards but he lives in hope despite it being him that was the one who caused us to break up in the first place. I dont bear grudges tho and I still care about him so needless to say, I dont wanna see him hurt and this news will devastate him.

    Im already listed up with the free counselling due to my JW days! Not really getting me anywhere at the moment tho!

    Age really doesnt matter to me at all. I love this man for everything that he is. His age has never been an issue to me at all or to the people that know us and it never will be in our case. I can understand peoples concerns sometimes when there is an age gap but as we are both mature adults, we are both capable of deciding whats best for us and this relationship most definately is.

    I really like your grandmothers saying! Ill remember that one!

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