by minimus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • somebody

    You Know,

    Since they were without dispute the very foundation of Christianity, and they liberally used the Hebrew text, how is it that Christendom considers it as relatively insignificant, even producing abbreviated versions of the Bbile that only contain the NT and Psalms?

    Please tell me if you agree with the following:

    what is implied by arguing that the Mosaic Law is still in force? In effect, this constitutes a repudiation of faith in Jesus Christ. Why is that so? Because such a view rejects the fact that Jesus fulfilled the Law, thus paving the way for God to terminate it. To persons who professed to be Christians but who were swayed by arguments in favor of keeping the Law, or some portion of it, the apostle Paul forcefully wrote: You are parted from Christ, whoever you are that try to be declared righteous by means of law; you have fallen away from his undeserved kindness.

    we cannot earn salvation no matter how hard we work. No salvation from sin and death would be possible without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Thus eternal life is a gift from God through Jesus Christ, an expression of extraordinary undeserved kindness and not payment for our works.

    Do you agree with this or not? This requires a yes or no answer because I'm really asking if you agree that Jesus fulfilled the mosiac Law thus paving the way for Jehovah TERMINATING it, or if you believe that keeping it or keeping any "PORTION OF IT", by believing in holding Christians to it.



    Edited by - somebody on 22 July 2002 22:47:23

  • wokeup

    Very simple, the majority of the NT writings are not applicable to the great crowd according to JW theology. (Remember they were writtin for THEIR instruction) It is up to the ruling party to decide which scriptures pertain to great crowd and the potential converts. That is why the pet scriptures are reiterated so much in the pubications. There's countless scriptures that you just will not see because they conflict with current dogma. As a diversion the writing dept. has been good about creating all those antitypical parallels from the OT that Jesus and the apostles just couldn't figure out for themselves or forgot to tell us 8&> Gal. 1:8,9 says it all.


  • Lieu

    Yes, Christ, Paul, James, etc....used the OT to prove that Christ was indeed the fortold Messiah. They also referred to incidents in the OT as WARNINGS and also incidents of faith. NEVER did they refer people to following the Mosaic Law codes rules and regs. In fact, the big to do in Acts was over the Jewish Christians intending to impose the circumcision on the Gentile Christians.

    The big to do with the Jews charging Paul before his death had to do with his telling people they were no longer required to carry out the Mosaic Law.....'ya darn skippy he did.

    If you want to live under ANY aspect of the Mosaic Law, than you have to live under ALL aspects of it....you're gonna need a whole lot of cattle for that.

    Besides that, if you wanna impose the Code on others, than you have just made Christ's sacrafice meaningless. What you would be saying is that Christ died for NOTHING....and Jah wasted his time and Son on you.

    "Furthermore, though YOU were dead in your trespasses and in the uncircumcised state of YOUR flesh, [God] made you alive together with him, he kindly forgave us all out trespasses and blotted out the handwritten document against us, which consisted of decrees and which was in opposition to us; and He has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the torture stake." -NWT Col. 2:13,14

    Sure, the OT is a good reference in helping any Christian prove that Christ is the one the text points to as the Messiah. Its beneficial in to understanding what the heck is going on but it isn't meant for Christians to be under that code. It gives us a reference for absolute joy to know Jehovah has given Christians a much better arrangement.

  • NewWay

    I think RefinerFire more or less hit the nail on the head. That is why the society has always seemed to me more like an Old Testament Prophet pronouncing doom and gloom, rather than the apostolic model of salvation by faith in Jesus Christ and the superb qualities and revolutionary thinking that sets real Christians apart from those who have very little patience with promoting peace and obedience to God through love.

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