Why do we tell our stories?

by Lady Lee 10 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LyinEyes

    Lady Lee, everything you said was right on .

    I tell my story because it is healing to me,,,,,and I want others to know what being a JW child in a dysfuctional family was like from my point of view. I hope that by telling my story that I someone eles will tell theirs and that is a very powerful healing tool.

    As JW's we were not allowed to talk too much about our pain, we were told to wait on Jehovah and things would be better, and all we went thru would be a distant memory.

    Many of us waited, and waited and it never came. To the emotional breakdown of many of us, because we held it in, not knowing who we could trust with our secrets.

    Here I have been able to tell my story, feeling free at last and finally I found others whose stories were so similar to mine that it was shocking.

    I think that is why so many of connect in a way that can not be explained to others , because some of the people we connect here we have never met in person and may not ever. But it doesnt matter, thru it all, I know who I can count on and who will give me a shoulder to cry on.

    No one hears trys to say they know all the answers but they LISTEN........they do not judge, and they offer their everylasting support no matter what.

    That is what I would say is Priceless.

    Thank you all for sharing your stories,,,,,,,dont be afraid to tell what happened to you, and thank you for those who listen and offer the unconditional love we never had as children or as JW's.

    All my love , Dede

    ( Lady Lee.........., you are an angel)

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