by sisteract 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Oh gawd waiting I read your last line 5 minutes ago and am still laughing. The imagery!!!

    Unfortunately I have seen the "picking balls syndrome" What I have noticed is that they are constantly trying to readjust positions or underwear. Perhaps they are too tight or too loose but the discomfort tends to send men to the area to picking the offending garment away from the area.

    Despite the fact that I don't have any of the said balls I do have (and have lived in the same house with) 3 brothers, 3 uncles, 1 father, 1 step-father, 6 boarders, 1 husband, 1 live-in boyfriend, and 1 foster father (who was a gentleman in front of mixed company and the only one I never saw him pick his balls), and now a second husband (and Yes I have seen him do it.)

    Maybe men need to be fitted for their underwear like we get fitted for some of ours.

  • sisteract

    in regard to "waiting" comment about seeking help from a jw therapist---yes, i certainly am still bitter. i wasted alot of time and $ going to a jw therapist. i only went because i knew i needed help and had such a huge FEAR of the world that when i heard of this bob langston (jw therapist) ,i thought my prayers were answered. i will say it was a setback in any kind of recovery, but just being a JW is a setback for any real recovery from anything. i'm out now, and my experience with bob langston was just one more "nail in the coffin" for me to GET THE HELL OUT OF THE DYSFUNCTIONAL WITNESSES!!!!!!!!!!!! so i guess i can thank him and all the f'*cked up elders and bros. and sisters for guiding me to see the real TRUTH---which is the JW'S don't have it!!!!!

  • blondie

    Since the WTS printed an article on how someone working in a health care setting should violate the confidentiality of a patient coming there, I have thought it insane to seek medical attention from a JW if you are one yourself. You are nuts if you think they aren't going to run to the elders with first thing you tell them they think is off spiritually.

    I have nothing against therapists any more than I do doctors. But the one described here lives up to what I first thought was a typo in the title, THERAPISTS (THE RAPISTS). Be careful who you choose to give your secrets to.

  • scumrat

    Yea, my ex-sister in law is a staunch JW and the office manager of the dentist I go to. I am just waiting for her to screw up on my confidential files. I will sue her to the wall. let's see the JW lawyers help her out then! It is illegal to give out even as much as a phone number.

  • waiting

    Hey Lee -------glad I could help your imagery along there. To visual a woman doing that is just sooooo gross. Somehow, we usually accept it in a man. However, I can remember women snapping their girdle to get it under control (and their rearends). My mother used to sigh a big sigh of relief when she rolled her girdle off in the evening - damned things were made of rubber! Really!

    But I do think men could be more discreet or buy better fitting underwear or looser pants, for Pete's (really) sake!

    Hey sisteract, I'm sorry for your experience - it mirrors mine. Honestly? When I got with a worldly therapist dealing with my incest with my atheist father, I spent a high percentage of time speaking about the elders & being a jw woman. I loved it, no doubt. I could speak FREELY and not be chastised for all sorts of things. Such a delicious feeling. I was paying her and we both knew it and by god, I was going to be honest. So there. Uppidy now wasn't I???

    V. Monty caused me much sorrow and money - but I learned from her also. I learned what to look for. I learned that therapists (even worldly ones) could abuse their perceived position of power. And they could be power hungry - especially jw women therapists. How else would they get power - certainly not through the org. So they go OVER the supposed mental teachers. Ha.

    It takes time..........


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