Do you hate me?

by SpiceItUp 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • TruckerGB

    Were all bad for ourselves sometimes,its called life,I always remember that somebody,somewhere is far worse off than me/us.

    Think Lois Armstrong,,,Its a wonderfull world.

  • COMF

    Spicy, my pleasure!

    I can handle 2 blokes at once

    Ooh, speaking of pleasure... that's a secret sex fantasy! ...well, I guess, not so secret, huh.

    Unk, gotta say, the board's never the same when you're gone. Glad to have you back with your inimitable style.

  • Xena

    Tsk that Moe mistreating you AGAIN Spice??? Shame on her

    hhhmmmmm well I know I have my moments where people either didn't like me or I didn't like them. Not much I can do about it, just be myself and hope for the best I guess.... Funny thing about this type of communication, you really don't know the frame of mind someone is in when they are acting up? problems at work? spouse giving them a hard time?? relatives shunning them?

    Sometimes you look at a post and just because of how YOU are feeling it strikes you the wrong way....then you respond a bit negatively...and then because that person might be in a bad place in their lives at that moment also, they take what you said the wrong (or maybe even the right) way and respond in kind...and Presto you have bad feelings or an outright flame war.

    My point is...unless you see a trend in someone posting to you in a negative manner I would just chalk it up to a bad day/week/thread and move on. But not everyone is going to like you, sad but true. I am SURE some people don't like me (I know I know hard to believe isn't it?????) and it makes me feel bad sometimes but you can't change who you are to please a few people.

    Just be the best person you can be.... but I get the feeling that is what you are doin, and doin a great job at it

  • searchfothetruth

    I know how you feel, but I think (hope) its just my paranoia creeping in.

    If you want to know when a thread ends, just look for my posts and I guarantee it'll stop there.!

    Or maybe my posts are that concise, clever and informative that no-one can add anything...or maybe not

  • SpiceItUp

    COMF--- oooh lala!!!


    Tsk that Moe mistreating you AGAIN Spice??? Shame on her

    Dang--how did you know----she was grabbing me boobies last

    unless you see a trend in someone posting to you in a negative manner

    Finally someone hit the nail--head on....thats what is bothering me..

    But your right (the whole lot of ya) I cant expect everyone to like me...maybe I just need a hug or something...ah hell I dont know....(am now taking hugs to those who want to give em)


  • SpiceItUp

    Hey search---I just proved that you are not a thread killer.....

  • Xena

    Well with the size of both our uuummmmm "upper bodies" I am not sure how close we can get but I am willing to try


  • Elsewhere

    Of course I hate you Spice! In fact, because of it, I want you to bend over my lap so I can give you a thorough spanking.

  • MrMoe

    I Love you SPICE!!!!!!

    Warmest Kisses,


  • searchfothetruth


    You have saved my sanity. I thought the message board closed down threads once I posted on it.

    A jehovahs witness gets invited in at a door and is offered a cup of coffee and a sandwich. The householder then asks what is so important that they want to tell him. The witness looks embarassed and says " I don't know, ive never got this far before."

    Maybe thats why I kill the threads!!!

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