Problems with Common Atheist Arguments

by FusionTheism 89 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • OnTheWayOut

    I am not a "common atheist " so I hope my arguments are better.

    #1. I see where you are going with philosophy of what a person accepts, so feel free to examine anecdotes and whatnot. Many uncommon atheists (and some common ones) recognize that there is very little absolute evidence in the universe for things of nature and science, so we weigh evidence for its value. Fossils being where the theory say they should be are accepted, theories that account for all known variables are accepted. Each must weigh these for themself. As for me, anecdotes are weak, especially when I can find people of varying faiths swearing by an anecdote being a proof of their different beliefs.

    #2. The multiverse theory is mathematical and not "universally " accepted. And it doesn't address the very beginning of the mass-energy. We just don't know enough to accept that. But accepting and theorizing are different. We make progress by considering possibilities, especially those that fit known data. You feel free to personally reject multiverse and dark matter/energy theories, string theory, yadda yadda. Keep in mind that theories might have more evidence in the future (like black hole theory ) so that's part of pondering and examining.

    #3. I wholeheartedly disagree with you on the moral values of Yahweh. You don't need something outside of humanity to judge Yahweh's treatment of humanity. If you attempt to compare God's treatment of men to men's treatment of animals, men have failed and God has failed (if "God" is Yahweh of the Bible). It is ludicrous to figure that lowly humans being treated poorly just don't understand and cannot judge because the being treating them poorly is superior. If you mean we are animals or pets to God and we deserve similar treatment as that which profit driven companies like Purdue Chicken dish out to chickens, then why worship such a bastard?

    I will leave the rest for another time.

  • freemindfade

    Can anyone explain to me how it is a great display of critical thinking NOT to criticize religion/bible for what they are? Why can we not have the balls to call nonsense, nonsense?

    I would not take moral and life advice from Jeffery Dalmer... oops should I have not said that? Is that not using critical thinking? Would we be criticized for disliking someone who condones slavery? Or be told that we are not using critical thinking for having the gumption to say, thats wrong?

    I am sure the church leaders who once would torture and murder fellow humans for not believing the earth was flat and the center of the universe felt that those pesky people just hated religion.

    Give me a break

  • Ruby456
    FT: the atheists you are talking to on twitter are as intolerant as the most religious JW. Don't talk to them.
  • Viviane
    Fusion Theism. Your post is one of the most intelligent pieces I have seen on this sight in a long, long time, if not ever.
    For many it will be like an airplane joke.
    This place here is a tough crowd.
    I don't see many here displaying critical thinking abilities.

    This is why we can't have nice things.

  • _Morpheus

    You tittled the thread "problems with common athiest arguments". Here is a simple one sentance answer:

    They argue with you.

  • Ruby456

    that was funny morpheus. this is a nuthouse you know -

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    Fusion Theism. Your post is one of the most intelligent pieces I have seen on this sight in a long, long time, if not ever.

    For many it will be like an airplane joke.

    This place here is a tough crowd.

    I don't see many here displaying critical thinking abilities.

    There is nothing good about this post at all. It is merely a lengthy display of ignorance and a love of ignorance and a desire to make sure everyone else is just as ignorant for fear of realizing that life has so far been one of ignorance.

    There is nothing wrong with facing that though, we are ignorant of many things about nature - but some people are intelligent about it, and seek to do away with the ignorance instead of steep the world in it.

  • freemindfade
    The moment Critical thinking and Bible/Religion mix/collide, the conversation is a lost cause.
  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me


    Christian religious leaders have brought much calumny upon Christianity. They have lied, killed and tortured. The NT confirms religious leaders also did this to God's Son.

    Whatever atheists throw at Christians, Christian leaders deserve. I only have a problem with the idea that only Christians have the faults ascribed to them. They do not.

  • freemindfade

    its religion in general all the same recycled hate

    Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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