Lunch menu

by sunshineToo 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    Aside from all those controvercial topics, what is your favorite lunch menu? To me it seems like the more time I have ( like day-off or vacation ) the harder it gets to decide what to have for lunch.

    Any suggestion?

  • FiveShadows

    Road kill cafe?

  • Mum

    Gazpacho, eggplant parmigiana, fruit salad. Invite me.

  • TruckerGB

    Cheese and onion sandwich.

  • Kenneson

    Skip lunch and go to your favorite restaurant for supper (preferably buffet style).

  • SYN


    (Hey, somebody was BOUND to say it eventually...)

  • Valis

    sunshine, I wanted to apollogize for being gruff w/you in the thread about my family's response to Panorama. I have no idea who or how old you are, and as I am usually right about everything, I try to correct my few mistakes when they do occur..*L* bad!

    I've been trying a lot of chopped salads lately, cause its been so fave has romaine, pastrami and a little vinegar, cucumbers, olives and a bit of shredded feta cheese and some bannana pepper....yummy..

    also did a guacamole recently w/lots of garlic ,sun dried tomatos that come packed in a jar w/olive oil, and jicama....yummy w/chips, a lisslte sour crean and hot sauce...nice light lunch in itself.


    District Overbeer

  • larc

    Lunch, well for me it just depends on the day. Sometimes it is a cheesburger and a bowl of chili. Sometimes, I like a grilled cheese sandwich and a bowl of tomatoe soup. Sometimes, I like Cincinatti five way chili, either Sky Way or Gold Star. (Those who have had it can relate.) On other occasions, it could be a hot dog and some baked beans. In the winter, I like a great big bowl of potatoe soup, homemade by my wife. As you can tell, I am basic guy, with basic needs, nothing fancy at lunch.


    Hey Syn,you took the menu right out of my BBQ,LOL!! Yep,theres nothing like roast dub and a cold beer.You`ve got to roast them slowly so they`re golden brown.If you`ve got a nice big BBQ like me,you don`t have to wack off their heads to close the lid.If your lucky enough to get a nice plump dub you can have meat for sandwich`s all week.Is there somewhere I can phone to get a dub home bible study?I`m gettin hungry with all this dub talk..LOL...OUTLAW

  • Francois

    Hey larc. I love Gold Star. Every fall I calls 'em up and orders a case of thier Gold Star chili mix. And I like the Gold Star restuarants better, too. Their waitresses got better tattoos.


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