Ex witnesses in UK

by Michelleatkin 54 Replies latest jw experiences



    I stopped being a JW in 1989. I live in Blackpool but used to attend meetings in Bury. I remember very well conventions at Maine Road and assemblies at Northenden. There's loads of us out there especially in the Bury area. If any one wants to meet up just let me know

  • Simon

    Hey, someone else from 'round 'ere !

    I used to go to Northenden (remember that funky circle & square pattern behind the stage?) and also Maine Road (rah) and Everton (boo). In fact, I met my wife at Maine Road assembly (see what dangers they can be, lol).

    Ok, here's what we'll do ... stick drawing pins in a map and see where the middle is then find the nearest pub to it with a beer garden and meet up one weekend. How about it folks?! First drink's on me (as long as not too many show up !)

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Simon - as long as beer is involved you can count me in!

    That funky circle and square pattern - that brings back memories. Sunday afternoon sat upstairs at Northenden, 38 degrees, no air conditioning, counting the grooves in the arch that went across the ceiling just to keep awake.

  • robert

    I was in Manchester too - Stretford cong. I was a special pio in Clydebank. That was many years ago. Now a Methodist minister in Cardiff.

    Robert Crompton

  • Angharad

    oohh the comfy chairs upstairs in Northenden, great for falling asleep in especially during the droning on of the public talk!

  • Michelleatkin

    I'm up for a meet up too - just let us know. I remember the squares and circles and counting them as a child.LOL

    Let us know about meetup


  • TruckerGB

    Hi michelle

    Im one of the non JWs here,never have been,there are a few of us on this site.

    Hi Robert.

    We can wave at each other accross the channel,Im in Weston-super-mare.

  • stevieb1

    I'm from Preston, Lancashire. I too remember the assembles in Northendon, Maine Road, and MEN Arena.

  • anglise

    So where are all the x's in the south?

    Its lonely down here in sussex

  • Englishman

    Hi Michelle,

    You might believe I'm a Southerner, but I am actually a Farnworth lad by birth.

    Welcome aboard.


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