Why? Why can't JW's ADMIT there's a problem?

by pomegranate 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • heathen

    Because they know all other religion is f*&%ked up and they really believe they are preaching the bible in accordance to what is in the bible and so they tend to be more willing to over look some discrepancy .One of their favorite scripture to quote at times of doubt is the one where the apostles asked jesus "where are we going to go away to".

  • JT

    Collectively, JW's cannot admit the problem because it is inconsistent with their belief system. They must use thought stopping techniques to deny it.

    Organizationally, they cannot admit there is a problem because of the liability. They must act out the scherade until the end, or they will pay until they go bankrupt. They may do this anyway, but they gotta play it out.


    the above post sums it up very nicely and that is why i always urge folks when dilogging with jw such as bleep and others to always keep that in mind-

    it is like a Crack Dealer telling a Crack Head not to go ito his bathroom while he is gone and mess with the crack he has in the medicine cabinet

    it just won't work to well

    and the same with jw, considering all the meetings, talks , mags etc that the avg jw has had in the 15-25yrs of being a jw all PREPARATION for the day that someone says something Negative about the org

    they have been prepared for that moment for years and just like a Navy Seal who practices his skill day in and day out till it is like his natural response

    and that is why family and friends shut down quicker than an ATM Machine on the 3rd wrong try of a PIN number

    it's all in the software ---WHY DO YOU THINK THEY SAY JW HAVE BEEN PROGRAMED??


  • plmkrzy
    Why can't JW's ADMIT there's a problem?

    The answer to that couldn't possibly be simpler.

    It's called years of "EXPECTATION" to all those who converted from something else to JW.

    I don't know of any that are denying there is a problem.

    They just do not see the SAME problem.

    JW do not go around deliberately telling blatant lies to cover up pedophilia among their members.

    They see all of this as Satan using the "wicked" ones as an attempt to bring reproach on them.

    Thats just the way it is. Somethings will never change. Thats just the way it is...ah..........

    pretty plain and simple

    edited for spelling errors

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 18 July 2002 21:11:24

  • happy man
    happy man

    As I told you, you arec totaly wrong, all JW now that it cuold bee problem, even inn Awake i read if you here bad things, as is hard to belive, bee paitent , wait and see why this is done.

    I told a lot of peopel , and sure they understan that in some cases wrong tthing is happening,as in old Israel, we are not perfekt ou know.

    As I also say sweish gopverment almost follow the JW line in Phedifile isus, they decid yestersay that it is not inaff widh the childrens testomoney, you must have some more indikation.

    WHY, to many have change what they say, and admit that they was lying, fore money ithink. trgikal,but this show how difficult issu this is, it is nor so easy as some of you say.

  • Focus

    happy man, you are an IDIOT.

    People like you, with attitudes like your attitude, ENABLE and EMPOWER PEDOPHILES.

    Little wonder that GOD'S PEOPLE are INFESTED with PEDOPHILES - per my computations in:
    I believe that about ONE IN TEN adult male jWs in the North America+Europe region (yes, Sweden is in Europe - did you "no" that?) IS A PEDOPHILE.

    Grow a brain. Your Paradise is ONLY a paradise for PERVERTS.

    (Suffering Ungladly Class)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Happy man ---> to get money

    What money? Where is the money. I live in a country that does not go for large court settlements. 40 years ago when my father (not a JW) was taken to court for molesting me he got a $50 fine and a three year suspended sentence. Now just how long do you think that $50 lasted considering we never even got it. He died pennyless. Nope no money then either. I got a few pictures from his home.

    As for my JW abuser - well that is a different story. The elders convinced my mother to send me in to foster care. He disappeared after a few years and nope no money there either.

    Pedophile defenders love to pull out this "for the money" crap. It just isn't true.

    Taking a pedophile to court (or the WTS) - in Canada - years after the fact - is a civil suit. That means I pay my own lawyer and court costs. Let's see even if I got the highest award given in Canada that I know of - a whopping $6,000 - I would not be doing it for the money. I would be spending more money for my costs. And let's not forget - you alos have to pay for psych assessments - not cheap by any standard - and then there is time off work to see lawyers, give depositions, go to court. You know this gets pretty expensive after a while. If it is a criminal case they take a lot of these costs but there is still all the time off work, the stress, the mental rehashing of tremendous pain and fear. Oh yeah I'm such a masochist - let's go for it

    A bit of justice and honesty would be great. But abusers won't give it and the WTS defends them. Money would have been nice for the years of therapy. But hey yea let's just sue them for the sheer fun of it

    Quite frankly I've got better things to do.

  • ozziepost

    It struck me in the Panorama program that at no time did any Dub recognise that there was a problem, or, perhaps most importantly, was any sympathy or compassion shown to the victims.

    Instead, for them, the Organisation must be protected, so shoot the messenger is all they will do.

    "they are from their father, the Devil" is a text often quoted by the Witnesses, but now the finger of accusation must be pointed at them.

    Cheers, Ozzie

    P.s. for Focus: I thought Sweden was in Scandinavia. No?

  • Elsewhere

    Because of the way they are always comparing themselves to other people and religions. They are always talking about how they are a "Happier" people, how they are a more "Moral" people, how they are gods chosen people, etc...

    That's a tough act to keep up and when they fail they are not humble enough to eat the crow.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    and the same with jw, considering all the meetings, talks , mags etc that the avg jw has had in the 15-25yrs of being a jw all PREPARATION for the day that someone says something Negative about the org


    You hit the nail on the head and this is part of their cult mind conditioning that is going on. The more time and energy that you have invested the more you have to lose. So that is why the 40 year dub finds it harder to walk away. He or she would be saying the last 40 years of my life was a mistake, so it can't be wrong other wise I have wasted all those years of my life. It would be admitting they are a fool or stupid for following it and so they are happy just to keep up the charade. That is part of the conditioning process. I know it was hard for me to say I was fooled all those years and walk away.


  • Imbue

    It's because most JWs live in "LA LA Land" and not reality.

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