Why? Why can't JW's ADMIT there's a problem?

by pomegranate 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • pomegranate

    Some one asked:

    >>I don't understand. I honestly do NOT understand how active JWs can be presented with hundreds upon hundreds of cases that have occurred all over the world, and casually deny that there is any problem.<<

    pomegranate replied:
    The reason is quite clear I believe.

    They CAN'T admit there is a HUGE problem of MORAL corruption and degradation within their ranks because IT BLOWS THEIR VOW / LIFE LONG BELIEF OF JW's BEING GOD'S ONLY TRUE RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATION ON EARTH!!

    It is as if they are being stripped naked and nude for all the world to see.

    How can "Jehovah's" [I hate that WORD being used for God by the way] TRUE VISIBLE ORGANIZATION be so OVER WROUGHT with the most detestable disgusting degrading thing on the face of the earth?


    Because it ISN'T.

    Fruitage people. LOOK AT THE FRUITAGE just like Jesus said.

    "50,000 flies can't be wrong" - pomegranate

  • Amazing

    Also ... JWs don't have the information ... they only hear some claims, and assume they must be wrong ... when a JW looks and find information, historical literature, etc. many to get it, admit it, and leave it. We are living examples ... the problem is getting information to them ...

  • The_Bad_Seed

    Bah! I admit it! I admit there is a problem!


  • RunningMan

    Collectively, JW's cannot admit the problem because it is inconsistent with their belief system. They must use thought stopping techniques to deny it.

    Organizationally, they cannot admit there is a problem because of the liability. They must act out the scherade until the end, or they will pay until they go bankrupt. They may do this anyway, but they gotta play it out.

  • gsx1138

    Because the Governing Body is infallable.

    Please note this is only true as long as you understand that they are imperfect men and make mistakes.

  • searchfothetruth

    this year in my old hall an elder was taken to court for abusing 4 girls BEFORE he became an elder.

    So, did Jehovah APPOINT a child abuser as an elder?????

    No, He was appointed by men. period.

    Think about what is wrong with the organisation. Everything

  • happy man
    happy man

    You have complitely wrong when you say that Jw not understand it is problem.

    As one of few ongoing JW on this site I now this, you dont, only qessing I think.

    But this pehofilething is a difficult issu who not is so easy to say whats riht or wrong.

    I can tell you that here in Sweden they have decid today that they must change the system , and from now it is not inaff widh what the children say, they must have some more info who can prove it in some way, WHY, several cases here the children have regret what they say and change ther story,and the peopel who was condemd proven inocent .

    I read that some of the sign here have faced this also, so evrything it not so easy.

    ofcourse I dont defend Abusers,but if we have a witchunt, we can have a dangerus situation.

    Pedhofile are hidding in religius organisaitions , even in JW, but we can not say that evry man or women who is acused is qulity, as even the staten now say here.

  • voltaire


    You've hit the nail on the head. If a JW admits there's a problem, they risk destroying the foundation that their whole belief structure is built on. For many JWs it's tantamount to admitting that they've wasted decades of their lives. I fear that as a person's time spent in "the truth" mounts, it becomes harder and harder to admit that they were wrong.

    I went through the VERY SAME THING and I was only a JW for about 15 years. But in my case those were all the years of my adult life. I lingered about 3 years more than I probably would have otherwise. In my case I also had to face the fact that leaving "the truth" meant losing my marriage, so that was tough.

    Also, by setting up such a rigid belief system, the WTS has created a situation where there can be NO middle ground. It's either all or nothing. This has the great advantage of giving the WTS virtually unlimited power over its members. If you recognize that there is so much as a scintilla of error, then the whole thing melts away. This means that the typical JW can be confronted with quite a bit of disconfirming evidence and still not bend.

    At some point, though, that evidence can no longer be shelved or pushed aside. No more "waiting on Jehovah". A critical mass of disconfirming evidence is reached. At that point, the JW starts to experience real anguish. Don't feel frustrated! In the past it was tough to even get ahold of disconfirming evidence. Now, more and more, JWs are exposed to unsavory facts about the WTS. This is bound to have an effect. The fact that JWs are acting defensive is good news. We're hitting a sore spot, giving them information that needs to be shelved. At some point they'll find that they've run out of shelf space. That's when they'll start to question the WTS.


  • searchfothetruth

    Happy man,

    Unfortunately, you are wrong.

    The elders see themselves as shepards to the flock. But, the society tells you that they are appointed by holy spirit. That means that they are unblemished, holy men.

    If someone is appointred an elder AFTER he has commited a crime such as child abuse then you have to question whether he HAS been appointed by holy spirit.

    Please tell me I am wrong

  • Focus

    Why can't JW's ADMIT there's a problem?

    Because LYING about it comes naturally.
    See John 8:44, which applies to the self-claimed "Jehovah's Wifely Organization", the Watchtower Cult, which it directly addresses:
    Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a manslayer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of the lie.

    I hope that has cleared up your little difficulty, pomegranate. "Manslayer", "Murderer", "Child-Rapist" are all much of a muchness.

    (Scr*ptural Class)

    Edited by - Focus on 18 July 2002 18:6:49

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