by 11thHour 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • 11thHour

    I am a young anointed, with a heavenly calling, but it is only an invitation, for " many are Invited, but few chosen" matthew 22:14

    We have to endure to the end to receive the promises, that those with "patience and faith inherit the promises." Hebrews 6:12

    We are not delusional, for the spirit in our hearts tell us, when Jehovah is our Father and we are his adopted sons. "by which spirit we cry out ABBA Father! the spirit itself bears witness that we are Gods children." Romans 8:15,16

    And we are not afraid to be looked down upon by men because, Jehovah tells us, "For you behold his calling of you brothers, that not many wise in a fleshly way were called, not many powerful, not many of noble birth, but God chose the FOOLISH things of the world, that he might put the wise men to shame, and God chose the WEAK things of the world, that he might put the strong things to shame, and God chose the IGNOBLE things of the world, and the things LOOKED DOWN upon, the things that are not, that he might bring to nothing the things that are are." 1 Corinthians 1:26-28

    There are many young ones now with the hope, and we must NOT BE AFRAID to partake as Lars has reminded us, and our Father calls, to finish all things,,,,,,,,,,

    Edited by - 11thHour on 18 July 2002 4:46:18

    Edited by - 11thHour on 18 July 2002 4:49:0

  • ballistic

    It seems most of the young anointed are serving Christ the King by beeing right here then @!!!

  • 11thHour

    No, you need to understand why I am posting here, there are many of those chosen to the Hope on this site, wondering what to do and feeling lost, because the Watchtower, their own brothers have shut them out, Remember how her brothers tried to bar and wall up their Shulammite Maiden sister from going after her true love, and how Josephs Brothers treated him?

    I am a pioneer, and there are many moving up in the org, and we are calling ones back, to show them that there is ones at Bethel supporting us, and we see and watch what is going on, and KNOW changes have to take place, Jehovah will refine his org, as he has done in times past.

    There are active witnesses waiting on Jah, and the numbers of partakers, will go up, if we are not afraid of men, but only Jehovah.

  • Prisca

    Hello and welcome. I will warn you in advance that you will be derided on this site for expressing your views, but I daresay you would have experienced that in real life too.

    Just curious, do you believe the 144,000 is a literal number, or symbolic?

  • 11thHour

    Dear Prisca,

    This is a literal, but final number, Jehovah invites more than 144,000, because it says, "many are invited, but few chosen" Matthew22:14 Jehovah could have invited 288,000 thousand just as a probable parable if compared to the ten virgins, in Matthew 25 :1 and only FIVE were chosen.(HALF) to be worthy to enter into the Kingdom, 288,000 is just for a thoughtful ,example only,

    144,000 is the final number that have proved to fulfill their invitation, They have to prove faithful in the end,, Just because you may feel you have the calling does not mean you will be there. 144,000 is only the FINAL number, just like choosing the most fit players for a football team..hehe...

    In Revelation 14 1-5 it says the final number stands on Mount Zion, and they are without blemish, and sing the song only they know, of LOYALTY, which is in the Song of Solomon..

    Edited by - 11thHour on 18 July 2002 11:52:30

  • Larsguy


    This is the up-to-date Biblical reference for what is going on and what to expect for those who feel they are anointed. I feel there is not much time so this must be assimilated quickly. Here are a few points based upon some comments. True anointed ones will relate to this. Those that don't immediately must use Scripture to correct any lingering doubts or misconceptions.

    1. THE LORD'S SUPPER. Remember, Christ said to keep this in remembrance of him until he arrives. It is not celebrated with significance, therefore, after he arrives. Once you determine the year he has arrived you don't need to celebrate the memorial again.

    2. ANOINTED ONES HIDING OUT IN THE WTS: Follow closely the reference in Revelation where the woman, who represents the anointed ones on the earth when Satan is cast out of heaven at the second coming, dwells in the "wilderness". That's a place provided for them by God. The "wilderness" is a secret place away from the face of the dragon, thus is not seen by Satan and his spy organizations. Yet he does see some of "her seed" whom he wages war with. So there are two groups of anoitned ones, those who are in the private "wilderness" group and those who are in a more public group. There is a chasm between the two groups.

    3. The two groups are referenced casually in the parable about the prodigal son, where the prodigal son, representing Jesus Christ is given a PRIVATE BANQUET. This private banquet is the same private wedding feast that the five foolish virgins are shut out of. But there are a few in the "older brother" group, who make up the "remaining ones" of the woman's seed who do not gather with the anointed gathering with Christ. But they are not rejected. The Father comes out to them and tells them: "What's mine is yours." These are not able to handle the reality of the Christ in a direct way and cannot cross over into the "wilderness" body of followers. They are also referred to as "old wine skins" because the new truth about the Christ is too potent for them to handle. They will understand fully once the millennium begins. So depending, you will be in one group or the other.

    4. TEN SLAVES SENT OUT PERSPECTIVE: Christ sends out ten slaves to produce at the beginning of the generation beginning as early as 1874 which should be the date when "Michael stands up". Another focal date is 1914 which begins the "last generation" for chronology purposes. The WTS, though, is just one of these slave "ministries" and unfortunately is the one that produces the "evil slave" even though it is also the one that serves as the temple organization. Therefore, your anointing need not be directly connected with the Watchtower Organization though it could be, but there are many others. The "woman" who represents the primary body of anointed ones on the earth whose place is in the wilderness is called the "tribes of the earth" and thus is made up of many different "ministries" and groups who know of the Messiah in secret. So you shuld have a broad concept of those being called, the WTS is just a focal reference to one activity going on that has to do with sacred "temple" things to fulfill prophecy.

    5. The NUMBER 144,000. Based upon direct general observation, this appears to be a "symbolic" number. But since other references in scripture demonstrate that it is also a SPECIFIC but LIMITED number, we are probably safe in assuming if it is a larger number than 144,000 then it is likely a multiple of 144,000. Since 10 is an earthly reference number, my personal feeling is that likely the entire body is 10x144K or 1,440,000!!

    6. RELIGION WAVED. For those thinking about religion connected to the final number, don't worry about that. Remember what the scriptures said about Abraham, Isaac and Jacob coming into the kingdom yet the sons of the kingdom being locked out and that many from "eastern parts and western parts" would have a place in the kingdom while the sons of the kingdom are locked out. So many will be called just on a direct basis with no previous invitation. That begins with witnesses, expands to Christendom and the Jews and then to the entire world population. Thus many are anointed directly who won't find out the details until after Armageddon and the millennium begins and then they'll find out they have been chosen as a king-priest. So religion isn't necessary. It's as if they are chosen first and then will be taught the truth later. Jehovah is capable of doing this because he reads hearts. But many who are Christians can relate their hope and anointing to being part of the "Bride Class" whatever number that is. A side point being, though, that God is not limited by those reached by the "good news" preached by JWs or even Christendom for that matter. Thus all your fellow anointed ones whether in China or living in the Amazon jungle have not been overlooked, or ones who simply can't deal with religion because of it's complexities will still be chosen. So it's a primarily individual thing. But some, because of circumstance, won't have the doctrinal background for their calling until after Armageddon, others will have it partially and others, fully into the "wilderness" organizations will have it completely. So it's marvelous! God chooses who he wants, the "gems" of the earth and then will convert them later. So if you're called, it's a very individual thing primarily.

    7. REDUCED MIRACLES: Being of the anointed and depending upon whether you might have an active role in the final activities before the millennium might have a lot to do with operation of holy spirit and whether or not you will interact with others. But per scripture, we are told in the parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man that Lazarus, who represents Jesus Christ would not go to witness to the five brothers directly and will not provide even a drop of water to cool the tongue of the Rich Man who represents the "evil slave" of the Temple Organization, that is, the GB of JW. They are told they have "Moses and the prophets". Meaning that SCRIPTURE will be the miracle for the anointed for the most part. The first coming Christ came with miracles and great works, and they called him a demon! The same would happen today if somebody claiming to be the Christ started raising people from the dead, some would think this work was from God and some would freak out and say he's a demon or the Devil and it would be a big mess. So God has made it so that those Christians who understand their calling must do so through scripture. But there is one "miracle" that apparently will appear to all the anointed ones, at least those in the "wilderness" group. It's the "sign of the son of man" that will appear in the clouds.

    8. SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN: This is a sign that appears in the clouds to you personally. It's so incredible when you think about it because it is a completely private event but it is physical as well. The sign that might appear to you is some version of the face of a sleeping black child, accompanied by a flying dove. Apparently large numbers of those anointed who have "come out" and shared this have seen this imagery. It is known in the secretive socities among the witnesses and has thus shown up in the subliminal artwork of the WTS' publications. So that's something you might expect or at least understand has taken place among some groups of the anointed: (Note: the reference is from page 159 of the "Revelation Book" if you want a close look. The cryptic dove figure is immediately below the thumb.)

    9 CHRONOLOGY: There is lots of chronology connected with the second coming that is not well understood and I can't EXPLAIN it all here but here are the basics as a study guide.

    A. "70 weeks" Prophecy, fulfilled when Jesus appears in 29CE and thus begins in 455BCE when the "word goes forth to rebuild Jerusalem." Pay ZERO attention to secular popular chronology who claim otherwise since they are basing their dating on revised ancient records, but this has all been worked out and refuted. But it's a lot of research and you needn't be concerned with it if you understand that Jerusalem began to be rebuilt in the 1st of Cyrus. Dating that event in 455BCE we can date other events to determine the second coming date. But connected to this prophecy is the fulfillment that "gift and sacrifice" ends in the 70th week. This occurs TWICE. Once when Christ at mid-week, 33CE dies and ends the animal sacrifices, and then the second time when he comes he ends the Lord's Supper when he eats it one last time and ends that form of "gift and sacrifice." But that must occur at MID-WEEK of the 70th week during our day. So you simply count periods of 70 weeks, 490 years, from 36CE to get down to our day. It's simple. 4x490 is 1960 plus 36 is 1996. That means the 70th week ends in 1996 and began in 1989 and the MIDWEEK PASSOVER indicating the year Christ would arrive is Passover of 1993. That means Christ cannot arrive before Passover of 1992 but must arrive no later than Passover of 1993.

    B. The "1335 Days" of Daniel 12. Simply, the "end" is the end of the trampling of the Jews and the Jerusalem by the gentiles and it marks of 1290 days. The Messiah arrives 45 days later. The "end" occurred when the Jews regained possession of the Promised Land and thus officially came out of exile and the gentile times ended in 1947. That dates the second coming in 1992 which is 45 years later to fulfill the 1335 days. Notice it is the same year as the mid-70th week determined earlier. OF COURSE. This is a cross-reference. So the second coming, Biblically, must occur no later than April 6, 1993 but not earlier than November 30, 1992 which is the date the Jews officially ended their exile at the time of the Partition Agreement.

    C. "7 TIMES" prophecy. This prophecy establishes that Jerusalem fell 2520 years from the date of the second coming and so we can determine when Jerusalem actually fell based upon the above references to 1992 which means Jerusalem must have fallen in 529BCE. We need only to coordinate this with 455BCE for the 1st of Cyrus. We do this by noting Josephus and Zechariah 1 and 7 which shows that the 70 years of "servitude" and the desolation of the land began at the time of the last deportation, which begun the 23rd year of Nebuchadnezzar. If we date the 1st of Cyrus in 455BCE then the 23rd year 70 years earlier must fall in 525BCE. That means the 19th year, the year Jerusalem fell occurs 4 years earlier which is none other than 529BCE, so you have PERFECT BIBLICAL HARMONY. Anointed ones don't need anything but this Biblical reference to drown out all Satan's propaganda that tries to confirm otherwise even though that has all been worked out academically as well. Remember, the earth comes to the aid of the woman and swallows up the river so she puts her trust in the Bible. If she does not, then she might drown from the propaganda. Martin Anstey long ago along with others when the saw the Bible clearly showing that Cyrus began the "70 weeks" prophecy and thus would have dated his 1st year close to 455BCE then they simply dismissed all the dating in pagan and secular circles as incompetent and erroneous and chose the Bible's dating. When you do that then you are saved from all that wave of rhetoric that would have any other dating. Even though, the actual academic information has been worked out so that the 529BCE dating can't be challenged. Even so, the anointed rely upon the Bible's dating primarily and only need the above references to focus on when the Messiah arrives.

    CHRONOLOGY OF THE SEALING OF THE ANOINTED: Finally, you need only to be generally aware of the chronology of the interval between the second coming and the millennium. After the Messiah arrives in 1992 he sends out his angels to gather and seal the anointed. This initially takes place during the "last hour" the 12th hour, which began in 1991-1998, then after that until God calls the ingathering off. He allows as much time as possible for those originally called to respond then they are rejected as the grapes of wrath and the Bible says the blood of those will be as high as the brides of horses, etc. So a large number, half of the 10 virgins, will be rejected from the kingdom, this being a primary reference to the witnesses. So when this happens a lot of vacancies will occur that will be filled by many in the roadways and elsewhere. So this sudden surge in those who think they are of the anointed might reflect directly the rejection of the "five foolish virgins" among the witnesses who were originally invited, which again, goes to not rejecting the sense you have that you might be "called" and of the anointed. The grapes of wrath will open up many last-minute places in the kingdom. But after that number is SEALED, and the door closed, things will rush forward toward Armageddon. The critical sign will be the destruction of Babylon the Great by the U.N. BTG is the Freemasonry-linked "Illuminati"-based secret societies who control and influence world policy and politics through internation banking and wealth. When they are destroyed then the ruling powers are said to be given a "time and a season" to survive which is just 1 year and 3 months. Whether that time is cut short or is a minimum interval cannot be said, God's time for bringing about Christ's rule on the earth is entirely within his jurisdiction. But we must be getting extremely close to that time now if it is apparent that the door is closed or about to close as evidenced by newly anointed ones suddenly showing up.

    Okay, that's the BASICS. Consult your scriptures which you will understand and harmonize your reality with the above as best you can. Holy Spirit will either guide you to a more active participation in what is going on, or you will just be assured that when the kingdom begins to reign you will be among the king-priests.

    1ST RESURRECTION, JUST IN CASE: This might be really hard for you to understand, but just in case. The 1st resurrection is accomplished by planting of the "seeds" of those to be resurrected into the physical bodies of modern anointed ones, one per body (1 Corinthians 15). The resurrection has already begun for the most part. So it is assumed that at some point, those who will be "hosting" a resurrected person might become aware of who that person is at some point, just so you are not alarmed. So who knows, it might be someone Biblically famous like Sarah or Abraham. But that is also what is happening and you should not be confused about the resurrection as far as the chronology is concerned. It has already occurred for the most part. Persons of the anointed who have died after 1992 are presumed to be reimplanted immediately into somone else living, a compatible person of God's choice. This keeps everything secret and cuts out all that orientation time if these persons just came back speaking ancient languages and didn't know what was going on in the modern world plus needing to be fed and accommodated, forcing the primarily secretive anointed body into the light and causing a stir in the world. So you can see the brilliance of this. Most non-anointed won't be able to accommodate this concept, but holy spirit will allow the truly anointed to understand and accommodate this.

    And finally, don't forget that you need to be ready for doctrinal SURPRISES! The scorners are told at Acts 13:41 "Behold it, you scorners, and wonder at it, and vanish away, because I am working a work in your days, a work that you WILL BY NO MEANS BELIEVE even if anyone relates it to you in detail."

    This relates to the very unique and unexpected nature of the second coming and to it being so different that even some of the anointed who have old-wineskin ideas can't handle it and thus are separated from those who are part of the "new wineskins" segment of the anointed. So if some of these things are too unbelievable to you, then you will be in the public, old-wineskins group. If you can accept these things, then holy spirit will draw you into the secret societies of the secret anointed world that Satan cannot see. If you are part of the secretive group, of course, you will not be publicly identifying yourself as an anointed one, but many WTS anointed ones will be part of the public organization so don't worry about it.

    Well, I think that's enough of the basics for now.

    "Lift your heads up, Anointed Ones, because your Father has granted you the kingdom! And your Deliverance is Getting Near!!!"

    As for you "scorners"....your "deliverance" has drawn near as well!

  • LittleToe


    Just want to confirm that you realise that LOYALTY is to Christ, not a religion, organization or church.

    You do realise that, don't you???

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    11thour. Why the number 11 and hour? Did not Russell, Rutherford and Knorr think they too were in the 11th hour? How long is this 11th hour?

    Do you believe that there are apostate members 'within' the governing body?

    Let me assume you then say yes, this would mean then that Jehovah is allowing this 'turmoil' to occur within the org. as part of the signs that would exacerbate the great tribulation? Mind you, this is only a scenario.

    Your comments please.

    Guest 77

  • Farkel

    : We are not delusional

    Yes you are.


  • Undecided

    I have a few questions about taking humans to make spirit creatures. How do you become a spirit with the attributes of your human personality, such as faithfulness, love for God, memory of human life, etc? Do you have some spirit entity that transferrs to your new spirit body, or does God create an entirely new creature? If this is the case why brother taking humans. If the doctrine of JWs about the soul is true then there is nothing that passes over from the human side to the spirit side that is alive with memory or personality. If we don't all have some spirit entity that passes over after death then all resurrected ones are really a new creation of God.

    Perhaps we have something like a hard disk drive in a computer that is transferred to the new computer and therefore has all the info. of the old one.

    Such a bunch of imaginative hope, to try to eliminate the reality of death and nothingness.

    Ken P.

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