We are slowly moving away from that kind of preaching work

by oppostate 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • done4good

    Sir82 - Eliminating the concept of a "publisher", and the handy numerical measuring rod of "hours", would so fundamentally change the nature of JWs that the organization would become unrecognizable.

    I agree with that, and think the JW organization will become unrecognizable because of this. The choice will be either adapt or go extinct. Social evolution is pushing them in that direction. In 5 years, cart witnessing will be the only witnessing done, and by special "privilege" only. The Conti decision, whether we realize it or not, sealed that deal.


  • Vidiot

    Finkelstein - "Of course the JWS will say 'Well we thought of it first, because God has chosen us selectively' ."

    Too true.

    The funniest bit is that, apart from indigenous jungle shamans, the WT has pretty much been the last to fully cross the net-presence finish line.

  • Vidiot
    You might be on to something, done4good.
  • the comet
    the comet
    I don't think d2d and publishers will ever go away completely. Tract/invitation campaigns. That will become the only/vast majority of d2d work. Do a memorial campaign, regional convention, two or three "special" kingdom news tracts every year, stretch them out over 6 week period, make 30 hr aux available most months. I think they want your avg publisher just dropping off tracts not actually talking to anyone, just doing busy work. The r&f would love it! The invitation work is by far the service people want to do, it's easy! To offset costs of printing a ton more tracts, drop the awake to online only, and tell the publishers to offer a watchtower to people when interest is shown.
  • OrphanCrow
    Replacing hours in field service with hours logged on at JW..org could very well be the new measurement of spirituality. Want to become an MS? Spend lots of time on the WT website. Log in and your hours will be counted. Or be one of the minions who deal with technology - set up the videos for KH consumption. Show up at the KH for the JW..org broadcasts - the more regular ones will be more spiritual.
  • Heaven

    OTWO said: I am sure some miracle will happen. Say, in one region, that an airplane carrying mail crashes with a bunch of non-JW's aboard (people who would die at Armageddon anyway) and inside that mail was some JW literature being sent to a prison in that region. Even if such literature were to cease being printed, it could be printed by someone on their home printer from the website. One of the jungle tribesman, trying to rescue any potential crash survivors, finds this literature and you have yourself a whole new story to tell at a regional convention.

    * snicker * Those jungle tribesman would probably use the paper to roll their cigarettes. Or wipe their bums. Or decoupage their spears.

    I suspect it will be pretty useless at conveying any information as I highly doubt the tribesman read any language from the outside world.

    But I can see an 'Andre' story being fabricated out of this scenario. ;0)

  • oppostate
    so fundamentally change the nature of JWs that the organization would become unrecognizable.

    Fundamentally this is another permutation in the ever ongoing changes of the WTS. From Russell to Rutherford, to Knorr, to GB 1, and post Ray Franz GB-(hardass version 1.1, then lately GB 2.0--and mosr currently GB 2.1 the "Soft"-ware version.

    From what the WT religion used to be when I got bapt'ed in the 80's compared to now, this is indeed quite an unrecognizable organization.

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