I want serious answers from WT leaders, possible?

by Powermetal4ever 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Powermetal4ever

    What would happen if I would write a physical letter to, for example, the branch office. and ask questions about scandals like the NGO thing and other stuff? Or ask questions about WTBS economy, or ask for a annual report, which is something I would really like to read. Thats impossible to get, or?

    Lets say I wrote down an anonymous e-mail adress in the letter, would I get an answer? And if I wrote my full name and which cong I belong to, then I probably would be in trouble huh? Anyone tried this? What happened? Could be a way out of the cult? A rough way perhaps, but at least an honest one.

  • tim3l0rd

    This is actually my plan. While I won't write about the NGO, I have a scandal in mind to write about and put my name on the letter. I want the letter to sound innocent, but state that their actions have stumbled me or caused some questioning and see what happens. If it gets forwarded to my boe and gets blown out of proportion, I plan on recording all the meetings with them and maybe using them to show my family the ridiculousness of the org.

    From other peoples' experiences, it seems that the letters either go unanswered or get forwarded to the boe. Once it makes it to the boe, it can get ugly.

  • Londo111

    What would happen is that the Society would write the body of elders, who would corral you into a backroom and start an investigation.

    All this has happened before...

  • OneEyedJoe

    I'm pretty sure they'll refuse to respond unless you give your name and congregation, in which case they'll respond to the BOE. Depending on what you write, they may send a response to the BOE that they'll read to you with additional information for the BOE to read only that they won't tell you about.

    I doubt they'll give you anything good - probably just a bunch of crap about being humble laced with lots of out of context or misapplied scriptures.


    I want serious answers from WT leaders, possible?

    ........................WBT$ GB "Rock Star" Popes..

    .........................DON`T ANSWER TO ANYONE..

    ......................Image result for Watchtower governing body

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    Decades of letters, decades of questions, decades of heartache have little effect on the Watchtower.

    There was a time when a few brothers charged with responding might, in answer to a question, send a reprint of an article or in a letter repeat what had already been printed in the literature.

    In recent times, though, what will likely happen is your elders will be informed and they will "assist" you to understand whatever question or complaint you had in mind.


  • sir82

    Lets say I wrote down an anonymous e-mail address in the letter, would I get an answer?


    And if I wrote my full name and which cong I belong to, then I probably would be in trouble huh? Anyone tried this? What happened?

    A low-level service department lackey will read your letter, see that it is "apostate", and, without reading any further, forward it to your BOE and "kindly suggest" that they give you "spiritual help" (which is, of course, a trip to the back room with 2 elders to determine just how far-gone apostate you really are).

    If it gets forwarded to my boe

    It absolutely, positively, 100% certainly will, if you put your name & congregation name in the letter.


    Guys, the WTS gets hundreds if not thousands of letters from disgruntled "apostates" and/or vaguely upset "fringe" JWs every week. They have the process down cold.

    1) Low level service department lackey opens your letter

    2) Within 30 seconds he will determine if you are "sincere" or are an "apostate"

    3) If "apostate", and you are foolish enough to include your name & congregation name, he will send a message to your BOE to investigate your level of apostasy

    4) If "apostate" and no identifying information is in the letter, it goes straight to the trash.

    5) If "sincere", but the topic is something the WTS would rather not answer, the low-level lackey will send you a form letter encouraging you to "study more", and he will send a copy of the letter to your BOE and tell them to determine just how apostate you are

    6) If "sincere", and the topic is not particularly controversial, he'll forward the letter to whichever department can best answer it. That department might possibly answer your letter, more likely won't. But your BOE will still get a copy of your letter encouraging them to sniff you out to see if you are apostate.

    Write a letter if it will make you feel better. But realize that yours will merely be one of 10's or 100's of thousands that will have been sent there, and will make absolutely no difference to anyone or anything in Watchtower-world.

  • _Morpheus
    Exactly what sir82 said
  • SAHS
    It’s like being in the Mafia – once you know too much and you try to get out, then you’re in trouble!
  • tim3l0rd


    I understand what the outcome may be, but I think that maybe how it is handled will help some of my family realize the hypocrisy of the org. For some of them, I think I need something that will make a huge impact. I could probably still play it off once the boe proceeding start, but if some of my close family hears of and listens to my experience then maybe it will pay off. Most don't wake up until they experience it first hand and that's only because we're not allowed to read the experiences of those that left. If I can navigate the tricky waters and remain a JW, then maybe I can share my experience (albeit discreetly) with those close to me and plant the same seeds that helped me to wake up.

    That is my goal. I know that the WTBT$ will never change. I see that now, but I'd like to have an impact on my family and friends. If it ends up going badly, at least I have my integrity.

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