In MY kingdom hall........

by Pistoff 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • crownboy

    Great topic.

    nativenyr23, I like your point especially (I think all the points are great, larc's idea of a children's playroom should be common sense, and good to see you again TR), because I often felt the same way about women giving talks. I've been in some congregations where the "men taking the lead" are so inarticulate, and where the women were pretty smart, that it seemed to me it would make more sense for women to handle "real" talks, since people might actually like their style better. I always figured that since "men take the lead before God", that the only thing that a brother should do that a sister shouldn't is offer a prayer for the congregation. I couldn't understand why all the responsibility had to go to men, they weren't any more "holy" than women, in fact women do most of the preaching anyway. I guess the whole idea of having women give "counsel" from the platform to brothers is too much for some people.

  • Prisca

    My ideas are along the same as Larc's - have areas where the little ones can play, whilst perhaps having someone there to read them stories and explain things to them on their level.

    There would also be youth groups for those 10 and up, including social activities every weekend so the kids wouldn't have an excuse to get bored.

    There would be a roster for looking after the sick and elderly. In MY hall no one would have to count time - what you did as "service" would be between you and God, but helping those in need would be just as important as any other activity.

    Women would have equal status to men.

    Casual dress would be encouraged, especially in the summer.

  • larc

    Interesting ideas Prisca. I think I would still keep the time keeping, but I would let them count time for helping the poor and the elderly as suggested in your comments.

  • Hmmm

    I'm kinda partial to that 72 virgins thing.

    OK seriously, I love the idea of the romper room for the kids. Expecting a five-year-old bundle of energy to sit like a statue for two hours is inhumane.

    The WT study would be a real question and answer session.

    You'd never hear " has been disfellowshipped" ...

    Or " died refusing blood"

    The hall could be used for birthday parties on Saturdays.

  • mr party
    mr party

    thay would only meet on sundays. no door to door ministry. a big entertaining choir that sings classical works. a talk for only 45 min, that is educational with loving human experience and philosophy. a religious ed class, that teaches all forms of ancient and modern beliefs. a bulletin board of good time activates, led by the members. no shunning except if any of the higher up's, use any form of 'high control' and counseling for any one that uses any control at all.

  • wasasister

    MY hall would become involved in the community. The congregation would organize work groups to improve local parks and schools.

    Once a month or so, we would prepare meals for elderly, shut-ins, or homeless people depending on our neighborhood needs.

    We would get to know other churches in the area, inviting their ministers to visit and speak at one of our meetings.

    Meetings would be brief and never mandatory. After meetings, socializing would be encouraged, featuring music, food, and even dancing.

    All of the above ideas come from my friend, the Rabbi - things practiced in his synagogue.


  • GentlyFeral

    Guys...check out the nearest Unitarian church. It's already happening.

    Gently Feral
    ex-Unitarian, actually. I mutated.

  • Gopher

    No judicial committees. Ever. People use their common sense to decide who they choose to associate with.

    You don't have to count field service time. Talk about your faith when the opportunity arises.

    Have a scholarship fund, to send the best/brightest away to a quality university.

  • mr party
    mr party

    wasa: hay tell me more. are thay welcoming to outsiders, without reservations? you know the laws and all that? i'v never been to a synagogue, but i'm a curios cautious explorer.

  • SYN

    MY KINGDOM HALL would be razed to the ground and replaced with a kick-ass nightclub with REALLY BIG SPEAKERS and lots of bushes outside for those sessions of "horizontal worship"!

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