SL Protesters Storm Convention!

by silentlambs 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    My heart just skipped a beat and I got a 'Fuzzy Warm " all over when I read this!

    They did us proud!

    At first I though it was St Louis...(SL = Where I am) But that's OK.....I'm still happy! I'm all smiles!

    Golden Girl

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 14 July 2002 1:45:7

  • outnfree

    YOU GO, RICHARD! (& friends! )

    <Nodding head in agreement that "storm" describes Richard to a T>


  • SYN

    Damn, I was I was in America so I could be a rabid Convention-picketer too! I'd show those Attendants a thing or two! SNAKEFIST! ROFL...well I'm glad somebody is opposing them in such a memorable way, and I find it quite sickening but not in the least surprising that the details of those who are trying to listen to a different message than that spewed forth by the Tower are being taken down. The Tower doesn't understand that with such visible underhanded tactics, they are merely alienating more of the Sheep Class. Go Tower Go! You are doing a better job of tearing yourself down than us Apostates could ever dream of doing!

    The worst enemy of the Tower is the Tower, as per usual! They're doing all the hard work for us! Thanks, Brooklyn!

  • plmkrzy
    "Caused the convention to start late."
    THAT IS PRETTY DARN INCREDIBLE. I've NEVER been to a convention that had to be posponed due to apostate protesters.
  • Kenneson


    Could you please post the link to this article? What newspaper? Where is the Tri-Cities Coliseum located? Thanks.

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Way to go Richard!!!!!!!.......Keep shaking the tree .....and more fruit will fall away from the mind controlling Borg....CC

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    Re: Convention program starting late

    The chief Gestapo attendant supposedly had the opening part for the day and was delayed because of trying to deal with Richard. The attendants told Richard he was disturbing folks to which he replied something about 'I think they are supporting me - do you have pedophiles here? or are you protecting pedophiles?' ...something like that. They couldn't touch him!

    Mrs R

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    All is I can say is these protestors are brave people and I hope the trend gets more momentum.

  • blondie

    Frances and Richard Rawe

  • sf

    Bill, where is the stories URL?

    All I can seem to find in their sites search are articles talking about the covention and revenue it brings the town and a Dateline article. Nothing about this protest.

    Please post it's link.

    Thanx, sKally

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