My thoughts about the board today [:)]

by Joyzabel 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joyzabel

    This has been a good day.

    It warms my heart and brings a tear to my eye as I sit and read through so many good threads here on the board today. Not that there isnt a place for playing around, but to hear sincere thoughts, developing belief systems and sharing them with others is what really appeals to me here at jwd.

    I love to listen to JanHs brilliant mind and his thought process:

    Dungbeetles thoughts on how she view elders/others now:

    Danas struggle with single life and helping others as she thinks.

    Imbues well written essay to help deprogram our minds

    Some very wonderful, thought provoking comments on this thread:

    and the genuine concern for the others:

    This is just a sample of what Ive read today.

    Thank you one and all for the sharing that takes place here. It is worth more than anyone can imagine helping break the mind control that we have been under. To hear the comments from so many that I have come to know is just wonderful. All the insights that we all share with our past and dealing with our here and now, plus the future, is really great.

    Playing around has its place to help let off stress, but reading the creative, honest, intellectual topics is really therapeutic.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, too.



    ps, even Fredhall chasing his tail!!

    edited to add the ps

    Edited by - joy2bfree on 11 July 2002 15:33:2

  • Gopher

    Thanks for putting that together Joy.

    We've had enough "complaining" comments looking at the downside of the board lately, we needed something like this!!

    Even in the middle of the week, this place is hopping with interesting activity. Don't blink, you might miss something great!


  • Valis

    Both of you know that all this diversity/quality of good threads today can only mean one thing......The GB just got all new laptops...*L*


    District Overbeer

  • onacruse

    YOU ARE SOOOOOOO RIGHT! I've needed a place like this so long, and so badly. Done some good posts (I think), some not-so-good posts (I know), but no rejected posts!

    Frequently feel like a lurker!


  • Simon

    s'ok ... we all do good and bad posts. I'm sure I'm not the only one who wishes I could make the 'great' posts that some others seem to be able to but I keep on anyway

    There has been some good stuff letely hasn't there?

    Now, I wonder what the topics will be about in a few days time!

  • Joyzabel

    ROTFL @ Valis' "The GB just got all new laptops..."

    I'm with you Simon. I sure get inspired here by some of these awesome posters but feel inadequate to contribute anything but fluff (not that you contribue fluff, Simon, please don't take that wrong.)


  • MegaDude

    Hey Joy,

    Nice to have your presence here which is so much like your name.

  • safe4kids

    Standing up and applauding ((((((Joy))))

    Thank you so much for pointing out the positives! Geez, so often there are posts about the negatives here, it's great to have someone turn the tide, so to speak. And, of course, it doesn't surprise me that it was you Joy . You, Outnfree, and HadEnough are three of the most positive ladies on this board and I'm so glad to know you all.




  • Simon

    Hey, I'm proud of my fluff, lol

  • jack2

    joyb, nice post!!!

    we all contribute in our own unique way.......Fred included, lol

    so try not to feel inadequate, your presence here is greatly appreciated!

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