Whats your favorite Simpson's quote/scene?

by Leander 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker1

    Ralph: I bent my wookie

    The episode where Bart is accused of stealing from the collection plate at church and he is hiding out in the treehouse. He makes a statement that everyone is out to get him or something like that and just then an old guy pokes his head up in the window and says "Thief" Cracks me up all the time.

    Halloween episode with "The Shinnin. Don't you mean the shining? No, wee'll git a sooot."

    so many more, i'll post some more later :)

  • julien

    Ms Crabapple is handing out report cards and Ralph gets his and says "Me fail English???? That's unpossible!"

  • voltaire

    I love the episode where Homer has a gun and Marge makes him promise to get rid of it, but he hides it in the vegetable crisper. Of course, Bart finds it and Marge catches Bart about to shoot an apple out of Milhouse's mouth. She's furious. Homer's excuse is awesome!

    "I swear Marge, I thought you'd never find out!"

  • Jesika

    Hey everybody!!! I am VERY new here, can anyone tell me how to start one of the subjects that is posted instead of always replying to one????? I am new to the internet so please don't laugh. I tried to get ahold of "Native" by email and have had no responce. I was afraid to post my email address due to viruses. I am not using my own computer and it would affect any work done on my boyfriend's computer. I can respond to an email but can't post my own. Can anyone help??????? With love, Jesika Thoman, Dallas, Tx

  • The_Bad_Seed

    I would have to say the whole "The Thompsons" episode, where Homer and family are in the Witness Protection Agency

    Fed - "Hello Mr. Thompson"

    Homer - "I think he's talking to you"

    Makes me laugh every time

  • dobby

    "Nachos Flanders-style, cucumber slices with cottage cheese!" (Rod and Tod say Yay!)

    "ACK!, there goes my retirement!" (the scottish school janitor in the episode when homer tries to make money selling old grease and steals the grease from the school cafeteria)

    "We've tried nothing man, and it ain't working" (Flanders beatnick parents talking to a psychiatrist about Flanders unruly behavior) "Lousy beatniks" (Flanders on his parents)

  • gsx1138

    Homer- hahaha it's funny because it's not me.

    Comic Guy- This looks like a job for the Green Lantern and aahhh possibly Thundra

    Otto- What about Superman?

    Comic Guy- Shut up.

    Todd- No, you only winged him he's a Unitarian.

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    Homer at the Post Office pretending he's Mr. Burns:

    Homer: Hello, my name is Mr. Burns, I believe you have a letter for me.

    Post Office Guy: OK Mr Burns, what's your first name.

    Homer: I don't know.

    I also like the X-Files ep when Homer is drunk at the Bar and trying to pick up Scully. He slams his bottle of Duff on the bar and the foam spills out of the bottle. Then say's to Scully. "I'm soooooo sorry" Please don't tell Marge.

    Homer: No TV and no beer make Homer something something.

    Marge: Go Crazy?

    Homer: Don't mind if I do.

    Edited by - El Kabong on 9 July 2002 21:0:18

  • crownboy

    Man, I love this thread. The Simpsons is easily one of my favourite shows (hell, check out my profile picture).

    Like so many other people have said, they're just too many for you to just pick one. I love the Halloween specials, and I also really liked the one where the JW's came to the door.

    There's one where Bart was being chased by a killer dog and he had to leave the school bus because it was inside with him. He was sitting next to Milhous, and Ralph came to sit next to Milhous:

    Milhous: Finally, I get to be the dominant one

    Ralph (with slightly devious look on his face): Be quiet

    Milhous: yes, sir.

    I remember that one because it played this past Sunday.

    Conan O'Brien was a writer for the Simpsons (he wrote the episode where Bart had a GF who made him do mischeivous things, at least more than usual ), as well as Saturday Night Live, I believe. IMO, he is the funniest of the late night comics.

  • kheli

    Homer is re-telling a joke by some comedian:

    Homer: "Black guys walk like this" *he does a funky walk*..."and then White guys walk like this" *he does the EXACT same walk and then he starts cracking up and says: "It's funny 'cause it true!"

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