Does anyone here workout on a regular basis?

by Leander 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • openminded

    Jan I am 28, I am 6'2" and 208 lbs - I have been heavily supplementing my diet with loads of whey protein, andro, and a few others including fat burners + I eat a lot of tuna and eggs and chicken. I may have been able to do a little more than 155 when I started but not much. As of today, can bench press 315 lbs 3 times with little to no spotting and yes my results have been phenominal but I work out as heavy as I can almost every day. My arms, back, and abs are a lot stronger too an I am sure this has helped boost my bench press. om

  • truman

    I have never been much of an exerciser, until this last year, mostly since I have gotten out of the WTS. Since then, in the last 12 months, I have lost 50 pounds and become a regular at the local fitness club. I started at home with yoga and pilates, both of which I enjoyed very much, but now I am concentrating more on working out with weights and do regular work on the cardio equipment too. I go to the gym 3 times a week and I really try to push myself.

    Since I started at the gym in February, I have been able to see real improvement, and it feels wonderful. I actually have muscles! I am a woman in my 40s (late) and I am in better shape than I ever have been. As a witness, I was unhappy, fat, and out of shape, waiting for the 'new system' to make everything better, including my body. Now, I have taken control of that myself, and I love it.


  • obiwan

    I have been off for about a year,but I'm getting back into the routine again.My goal is to get back to the trim self I used to be around 205 to 210,right know I'm at 230-235,I had been at about 10% body fat but it's more than that know.I want to get back to the averages I was lifting,bench 275,squat 350,curl 100,these are the basics of my routine and are workout averages not maxes.I also do about 45 minutes to an hour of cardiovery important,I don't like to be in the gym for more than two hours,I don't want to over train.I'm also going to start seeing one of those little oriental ladies that about 5 feet tall and doesn't look like they could hurt a fly,they know the old way of stretching a person to stay limber,a buddy of mine who is about 6'4" and 250 said he went and the lady made him scream like a little girl,after the session he went home exhausted and just fell out but the next day he felt great much more limber and in about two weeks he was lifting more than before.So that's the long and short of my goals.

  • Dawn

    I hit the gym about 4 times a week - 40 minutes aerobic / 30-40 minutes weights. In addition I do a lot of other "exercise" type activities for fun (biking, roller blading, swimming, dancing).

    I've worked out regularly since I was a teenager (I'm 36 now) - I do it because it gives me more energy and I feel better mentally - less stress & happier when I'm active. It's also a nice advantage when you have kids - you can slip&slide right along with them and not get tired.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I've been working out fairly regularly with weights for the last couple of years. I recently added the treadmill to the mix.

    I am determined to be strong and healthy for as long as I can. I haven't lost as much weight as I would like, but I have been getting stronger, which helps when you have to haul around 50-lb bags of feed for the horses, and hoist 30-lb saddles to go riding.

    I started working out when a woman at work, who is just a couple of years older than I am, told me that she found carrying a 10-lb bag of dog food to be almost too much for her. I decided that I couldn't help getting older, but I could lessen the potential physical problems by working out.

  • bad_associashun

    gave up fitness for the truth & pioneering, then after being df'd, got back into it- competed twice, did a few fitness/athletic posters, appearances with the biggies in fitness/bbing

    it being such a worldly habit, again gave it up to 'return' to the org.- went thru some depression/self-esteem issues par from df'd, part from seeing my hard & tight physique turn to slush- currently going everyday- sometimes twice/day- on a mission to get it back again

    still sore from last week's squats

  • jack2


    After looking in the mirror at age 39 and seeing myself in physical decline at a weight of 225 (not good for a 5'11 guy) I decided to get back to basketball and tennis, and continue with my weight-lifting. I got my weight down to 173, but that was a bit too lean; I felt tired all the time. My last weigh-in has me at 187, and my goal is simply to keep my wieght consistent (not easy!!) and stay in decent shape. My weight-lifting workout has now been reduced to mainly biceps curls due to an inflammation in my right shoulder (probably from my job and from playing tennis). I have had to slow my tennis serve down as well.

    I have certain eating "rules" that I try to follow - no eating snacks after dinner and at night; no eating between meals except for light snacks between lunch and dinner. Cutting way down on my nemesis, the potato chip, a nemesis for which I have a certain fondess. I also rarely eat desserts.

    When I was a teenager, I dropped my weight from 200 to 130 over a span of about 9 months and ended up hosptalized. I am constantly fighting the battle of being concerned about my weight and at the same time not getting fanatical about weight loss. I've never thought of myself as having an eating disorder, but sometimes I do wonder; but for the most part I do have a fairly healthy attitude about food and weight loss. There's just certain times when I seemed to lose my 'grip' a bit.


    I play tennis once a week for 1 hour and I play volleyball twice a week for 45 min. each. I love to lap swim - it's so meditative. During the school year, I replace volleyball with swimming - one mile takes me about 50 minutes.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    I religiously stretch every morning 10-15 minutes. My normal job and sports activity keeps me in shape.

    Guest 77

  • BluesBrother

    I visit the gym every week day before work, which is in an office

    Nothing too ambitious, but a run on a treadmill, some sit ups and work on some of the machines - followed by a nice swim.

    Certainly makes me feel better . I know that when I had to stop for a while, I then felt so lethargic and enthusiasm for life diminished. I keep up the exercise and would encourage everyone to do so.

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