How many did YOU recruit?

by In_between_days 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • In_between_days

    Just a quick question, and one that seems to take Jehovahs Witnesses back a little, an extremely good question to ask a pioneer. "So, with all your hours of service, how many people have you actually brought into the Jehovahs Witness organisation?"


    Genuinely, 100% of my old JW freinds have ALL been raised in the organisation. I can honestly say that I do not know of ONE person in my age group that was voluntarily recruited.

    How about you all? I'd be very interested to know your strike rate - how many baptised through your personal study with them? If everyone comes back with multitudes, I stand corrected, but I would like to know,

    ................................... How many?

  • Prisca

    I was a 3rd generation jw... never brought one person into "the truth".

    Have helped one person from returning though

  • larc

    I was a JW until I was 22. I never did bring in anyone. My mother was a JW all her adult life. She never did bring in anyone. I don't think my sister did either, but I can't swear to that. My mother's aunt brought my mother in, and one other woman and her son.

  • onacruse

    The highlight of my JW days was meeting (@1973) a very good man in field service on a cold Saturday morning. He took me in, and we commenced a study in the old Truth book. 2+ studies a week, attending meetings within 10 days. Got his mom, dad and sister to join. I was SO proud. He is still an elder.

    At about the same time (via family connections), I also studied w/another very good man. He decided (w/no small encouragement from me) to leave the Reserves and sell investment property. Just found out yesterday that he was attending meetings again (after 10+ yrs df'd).

    These were both pre-1975 experiences. ABSOLUTELY NOBODY since then.

    So, count me in for 1 cold contact convert, and 4 peripheral casualities.

    FWIW: As I recall the statistics (there are several sites on net), the average is something like 1000 hrs of d/d to get 1 b.s., and 3 b.s. to get 1 baptism. (approx 3-4K hours/baptism).

    At that rate, I didn't do very well, did I?


  • Frenchy

    I was baptized in 1961 and was active until about two years ago. In that time I brought in, to the best of my knowledge about twenty people. One became an elder but he got de-frocked about a year ago I heard. Four or five, that I know of, have been df'd, perhaps more. Seven or eight more are no longer active. I guess I did not 'build with fire-resistant' material! I'm thankful for that!

    I was studying with a young man who was "showing some encouraging progress" at the time I decided that I must make my exit. He was at the point where he was seriously considering baptism. I spent about two months 'weaning' him from the teat I had led him to. Happily he responded and walked away. I don't know if other witnesses tried to 'reel him in' after that, although that certainly seems likely, but I know that he does not go to the hall anymore.

  • Amazing

    I brought a total of 15 people into the JW organization (including my four children). Many went on to Pioneer or serve as Elders or MS. I've helped a number back out of the organization. It would be great to think that someday I could say I helped 150 back out.

  • minimus

    unfortunately, about 10

  • LB

    Only one but sadly it was my son.

  • Undecided

    I think it was eight, two are now elders and I think that is why I get treated mildly by the cong.

    Ken P.

  • TheStar

    A big fat 0 !!

    You can't imagine how happy I am to be able to say that, although while I was a JW it was very embarrassing and I always felt guilty about it. Aaahhh, it's so nice to have gotten rid of that guilt!

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