With Whom Has God Been Patient

by comforter 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    Hey comforter......any evidence that God is backing the witnesses? Just interested.


  • NeonMadman
    His day is not tarrying but is right on schedule.

    And if there's one thing Jehovah's Witnesses have proven over and over again, it's that neither they nor their leaders have even the slightest clue about what that schedule is. So they can safely be ignored when they make pronouncements about "His day".

    God, however, is presently showing patience and self-control, not only with the world of unbelievers but also with the congregation of his faithful Witnesses. They have many things to work on to try and get things right before the day of wrath.

    Such as the fact that they are just another religion, and have no special relationship with God at all. In fact, their many scandals, lies and cover-ups prove that they stand a good chance of being among those spoken of by Jesus at Matthew 7: 22, 23:

    22 Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' 23 Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'

    If we read those verses in context, we find that Jesus was specifically speaking of those who claimed to speak on God's behalf, but whose fruits did not bear out their claims. Could there be a better description of Jehovah's Witnesses as an organization?

    Jehovah's Witnesses know that God is being patient with them today and they are vigorously working on their shortcomings.

    Plenty of evidence exhibited in this forum and elsewhere, including in the national media, will convince any reasonable person that the only way in which Jehovah's Witnesses are "vigorously working on their shortcomings" is in trying to cover them up so that their public image won't be spoiled by all their dirty little secrets. As IslandWoman pointed out, they should be working on their shortcomings through sincere repentance over their massive sins, but there is certainly no evidence of that in their public statements.

    They urge all mankind to read God's word daily and take in accurate knowledge of God and his Son.

    But of course, only to read God's word daily as filtered through the ever-changing lens of Watchtower dogma. Simply reading God's word daily and relying on the Holy Spirit to reveal God's will through it isn't enough, is it? But of course, you don't tell people that until they are well into the indoctrination process. So your statement is just another Watchtower PR lie.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    before i became a witness, god was just called "god". after that, he was "jehovah". always. i never stopped referring to him as "jehovah" until i left the "truth". i'm just wondering why you refer to him as "god" and not "jehovah"... that's one thing jehovah's witnesses pride themselves on is being the only religion to use his name faithfully.

  • COMF

    Let me axe you something, son. Back in 1879 when God gave Russell all that false information that's gradually been corrected til now, 1914 was supposed to be the end. But he exercised patience because he didn't want any to be destroyed but wanted all to attain to repentance. So he waited to give people a chance to repent.

    Meanwhile, they all died.

    Now, help me out here, Comforter: what's the purpose of waiting so long that everybody you're waiting on dies?

    See, while you were waiting for them to repent, there were other people being born, and then you had to wait on them to repent, and while you were waiting on them to repent another bunch was being born, and then you had to wait on them... I mean, what's the point? See? After a while, everybody you were originally waiting on has died and you have to start all over again waiting on a new bunch, and all the timelines and deadlines that applied to the first bunch don't matter any more and you have to set a new bunch of them, and everything you did in relation to the first bunch is rendered pointless and fruitless and impotent.

    Safe to say nobody's alive now that was alive back in 1879, wouldn't you agree?

    So what's up with that?

  • ItsJustlittleoldme
    Jehovah's Witnesses know that God is being patient with them today and they are vigorously working on their shortcomings. The Witnesses also do not want any to be annihilated in the coming conflagration called Armageddon. They urge all mankind to read God's word daily and take in accurate knowledge of God and his Son. We love people.

    Just for clarity, since Jehovah is waiting on the JW's to work on their shortcomings, what CONCRETE truth do you guys now hold that you didn't hold when the organization was first started under Russell? By CONCRETE, I mean YOU KNOW that you have reached ABSOLUTE truth on a point; for instance ABSOLUTE TRUTH has been reached on the math of 2+2=4.. That is an ABSOLUTE.. No "new light" can be presented on that, since it has been PROVEN true.. So, what ABSOLUTE truth have you reached in your 120+ year history, showing Jehovah that you are indeed working on those shortcomings, and showing progress?

  • gsx1138

    Enjoy the Silence.

    People the JW has left the building. Of course we expected this.

  • bjc2012


    You mentioned presently JWs are,

    Fact: Ratio of JWs to overall poulation equals 1 in 1000. Or phrased another way for every 1000 people on the earth one is a JW.

    What if God decided to change those numbers, drastically. What if God decided to reduce the odds by say, 1 to 30 and did it seemingly overnight -- very quickly? Have 1 out of every 30 persons on earth, become servants of His, instantly. God decides to convert them. What if God accomplishes miraculous "conversion" by making them a new spiritual people for His Name miraculously, as a demonstation of His Almighty power to settle the issue of true worship. He decides to draw this huge number of people from all over the earth, and take them from all language groups, backgrounds, from the most distant islands of the sea, as his people, in replacement of all JWs. Once He does this, it becomes clear the people he was being patience with all of this time was not the world who refuses to listen to Jehovah's Witnesses, but instead hard-headed JWs themselves who refused to repent of their bad ways. (Isaiah 55:13; 66:18, 19)

    How about that for a scenario?


    Edited by - bjc2012 on 6 July 2002 19:30:58

  • Perry

    Comforter's supposed "answer" is actually the biggest unanswered question to any believer in an all divine being.....JW or not. I certainly do not pretend to have a answer, and I am a believer. Comforter, please try to couch your apologetics with a least a pinch of humility.

    It's ok not to know everything....really. Try it you'll like it.

  • gravedancer

    bjc....good luck. If God wanted to "magically" draw people to the WT Org in huge droves he will likely have to make miracles happen. It isn't going to happen because of the message they bring to people...otherwise why are more and more turning away?

  • Jesika

    Here's my favorite----We love people----Just like the molesters love the children in the org and they protect the molesters and rapists. The only ones they love are the ones that agree with them. Jesika Thoman Dallas,Tx

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