No shorts or printed T-shirts when making ready the stadium before the RC

by Powermetal4ever 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Daniel1555

    Many years ago I attended a language course in bethel.

    Everyone was dressed with suit and tie. Except me in my shorts and colourful t-shirt with don't know what slogan on it.

    As they approached me if I could maybe change my outer appearance I said. "Dear brother so and so, I am very sorry, I thought it is just a language course with being able to think and learn in comfortable modest clothes. I am sorry but I just brought t-shirts with me for the whole 3 days."

    I think the other brothers were jealous as they sweated the hell out of their close tied shirts during hot summer.

  • Clambake
    What is with the no label thing. I was asked to not take my Tim Hortons in last time. Man I was pissed off.
  • naazira
    Most of the sisters I know always dress up when going to the hall- meeting or not.
  • oppostate

    Well, all I can say is that this Spanish congregation's sisters can be quite distracting in anything they wear.

  • kairos

    I had volunteered to help with a new assembly hall.

    We were on the one of the first crews. Installing erosion control on the project perimeter.
    Summer, hot climate and dusty. 1000s of yards from public street view in an unincorporated part of the county.

    When the other volunteers came to pick me up, they said if I didn't change into long pants I could not come along. ( Uber Dubs fresh back from some missionary assignment in Sierra Leone ) I was wearing the white painter's shorts that I wear *everyday* as a contractor. ( later an article came out in the WT with a picture of a construction volunteer in the same style of shorts... I showed them )

    I was stupid and changed into long pants. I let them regulate my personal freedom.
    Why didn't I recognized the cult control?

  • steve2

    I will say that the standard of dress is one thing that I am always impressed with. It's obviously mandated by the org,

    It has always been easier to clean up the outward appearances than the inner personality.

    How do you measure genuine spirituality? By the length of your hair? stubble-free face? formal shirt and trousers and, for women, "well-arranged dress"? Yeah, no problem!

    Impression management rules, okay!

  • freddo
    The outside of the cup must be clean, while inside ...
  • joe134cd
    I meant to say in my last post. In the last RC I attended. We were told to rip all the label wrappers off the food we were eating. I remember drinking a Pepsi out side the auditorium, because of this.
  • OneFingerSalute

    Im pretty sure you can wear t-shirts with a blue square with the letters JW in the middle....

    With half of the blue square on each side of the zipper so men could. . .well, you know.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds
    I've never ever heard of the food wrapper/label thing. What country are y'all in?

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