A Newbie Introduction

by patricia 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    Welcome Patricia:

    Your story brought back so many memories for me - a lot of us totally relate here.

    It took me 12 years to completely free my mind from the JW influence - to be honest, I'll probably never be completely FREE but this is as close as it will ever come. Being raised a JW gives you no non-biased "measuring stick" with which to compare things once you're out. You have to learn to live a normal life, never knowing how to do that. It's a tough road - but well worth it.

    Prayer is one of the hardest things, and in my opinion it is because the Organization has placed itself between you and God. For years we are taught to look to the Organization, stay close to the Organization, they are the only "ark" to save us. You are molded to believe that the Organization = God, and is your link to God. When you break free, you cut that link and finding the new link is a learning experience.

    Since I struggled with many of the same things, let me give you some hints - the steps that helped me to draw close to God and accept Jesus as my Savior:

    1) Accept that God did not leave you. You left an earthly organization - a man-made organisaiton. It's as simple as that. That man-made org. has made you believe that you could not have a relationship with God outside of them - that is not true.

    2) Pray to God in a totally different way. For instance, start out your prayers to "the supreme being" or "My God" instead of "Jehovah". There's nothing wrong with his name, but being a JW that name evokes emotional responses - trained emotional responses. Since you are trying to find a new link to God - find a way to talk to him without evoking these emotional responses. This one really works - but I actually felt guilty at first calling him "God" instead of Jehovah - sillly hu?!

    3) Do research on the history of the JW's and their false prophecies. That really helped me to realize that they did not have God's spirit. Once you can prove it to yourself - you can then progress with a free conscience.

    As for your mother - I am in the same boat here. I'm the only one that lives close to my Mom, since my dad passed away she needs a lot of help. She is a strong JW so I have to keep my feelings to myself. This board has been a tremendous help to me. I also have found it helpful to share my experiences with my new friends - they give me religiously un-biased feedback.

    Hang in there - this road is a rough one but totally worth it. Last year I realized that I now know what Jesus meant when he said "You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free" - I AM FREE! And it feels so good.

  • borgfree

    I just wanted to add an amen to everything Dawn said. Especially number (3) I needed to prove to myself that the WT organization was indeed false, and why they were false. Once I did that I no longer had the periodic doubts that maybe, just maybe they were right. As Dawn said it is good to be FREE.


  • new boy
    new boy

    Dear Pat.

    Many here feel like displaced persons of WW2 But there is healing and life, despite how I was raised can be good.

    There are many wonderful books that can help, and not replace one dogma for another.

    Neal Walsh "Conversations with God" was like honey for the soul.

  • Windchaser

    (((Patricia))) Welcome.

  • ring

    hello patricia, and welcome to the board

  • TheStar

    Thanks for sharing your story Patricia. Welcome to the board. Look forward to hearing more from you.

    Many here have offered some advice that might help you with your current situation.

    The only thing I can say is listen to them. I started posting here in February and have gained so much by listening to the people on this board. Stick around here, express yourself here and most of all read, read, read everything you can get your hands on related to your particular situation...

    In no time you will start to find your answers.

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