Good-bye everyone!

by Billygoat 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day Andi,

    That's great news!

    Isn't it surprising that the Borg keeps telling people that the "waters of Babylon the Great" are drying up, the people are not spiritually fed, etc etc? You and I (and millions of others) know that's a log of hog-wash.

    Enjoy your time there. We'll be looking forward to an up-date.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • JanH

    ((( Andi )))

    I will miss you in the meantime, sweetie. Hope you have a great time, and I look forward to see you back.

    And, remember, Norway is not that far from the Baltics

    - Jan

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2


    Have a wonderful, rewarding, safe trip. I'm looking forward to hearing about your trip when you get back.

    Mrs R

  • Prisca


    You naughty girl! I thought for a second that you were leaving the board just like the others.

    I know you will have a wonderful time in Latvia. It will be a bit of a culture shock being in an Eastern country, but the rewards of helping and socialising the people over there will be very much worth it.

    Have a safe and fun trip. I look forward to your return and the many tales you will have to relate.

  • teejay

    Very good, Andi. I hope y'all can do some good. We'll miss you!

  • COMF

    How wonderful, Andi! I'm proud and happy for you. I know this will be one of those things you remember and smile about, when you're 95 years old and sitting in a rocking chair reflecting. Blessings on your activity!


  • Nikita

    Hi Andi! I was just checking out your church webpage on your Latvia trip! You should be back by now, and I was just curious how it all went and how you were feeling? I got a little choked up looking at your pictures, remembering Moldova. I was so depressed when i came back home-the culture shock and re-adjusting to life back here. It took me a few weeks to get back to "normal". I hope that you are okay!

    Leslie, aka "Nikita"

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