Would you forget it ALL if you could?

by Perfection Seeker 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • SpiderMonkey

    teejay, thank you so much for posting that link! I probably never would have seen that thread, otherwise. I was a trekky for many years, & I do remember the "Tapestry" episode; it affected me the same way it did you. And the moral of that episode lives on in daily life... I was fired from a job that I really liked, because of a personality conflict with one of the owners... A month later, I took a job that I ended up hating, & only stayed there for a few months. But a co-worker at that place became my best friend, and continues to be to this day, even though we're separated by 1000's of miles. And that never would have happened if the "bad" thing, getting fired, hadn't happened! I definitely think it's better to work with the person we are now, in the present, and be thankful of all the good things, than to dwell on "what if's."

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