Freed 1 yr ago today; My B'D tomorrow

by Trotafox 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I enjoyed your post. Congrats on your FREEDOM and have a great B-day!

  • Trotafox

    Thanks Double Edge and Mayer32: It's 1:10 a.m. on July 1 so its OFFICIAL....July 1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.....Yippee!!!!!!!! 56 and I earned every darn year.

    Nancee: Thanks for the research. I've saved it for posterity.

    Nikita: Yep...I had a great 4th last year too! In fact, I celebrated everything I could all the way through New Year's. Mom and I went out for Thanksgiving Dinner. Christmas....oh forget it. I was running all over the place buying everything in sight. Actually came down sick with a cold. It was great though.

    Simon: Well, I've calmed down a bit cause I went nuts at first!

    Trot (on a diet)

  • Been there
    Been there

    Happy Birthday to you,

    Happy Birthday to you,

    Happy Birthday Dear Trot!

    Happy Birthday to you..............

    And many moooooooooooore.

    Happy 1 year out too!!!!!!!!!!!!

    KY Been

  • Prisca


    Congratulations on a year out of the WTS too!!

  • Trotafox

    THANKS Been There and Prisca....

    Took off work today and I slept in (I was up until 2:30 posting ). I'm hopelessly addicted. Will be having a nice dinner out.

    Trot (on a diet)

  • outnfree

    Happy Birthday, Trotafox!

    and many happy returns.


  • Europe

    To Trotafox:

    So we had the same idea?? Luckily he turned only 19 instead of f.i. 39;-)

    But the look on their faces were priceless, we'll never forget, do we?

    Today it's my birthday but if you are used to it, it doesnt mean much after 42 years;-))

    Take care,


  • Trotafox

    Thanks Outnfree.

    Europe: Mine was July 1. Your's is July 2? Well, aren't we the crabby ones !!!

    Trot (on a diet)

  • Europe

    To Trotafox

    Is being crabby a good or bad sign?;-)


  • bigfloppydog

    CONGRATULATIONS TROT. enjoy, enjoy your birthday, freedom is sooooo great. So glad you have a great relationship with your mom.

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