What's worse, brutal murder or fornication?

by Tornintwo 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    When I read the OT about who not to have sex with, the one thing that was conspicuously missing was any command not to have sex before marriage. If it's in the OT, please show me where.

    (Leviticus 18:23) . . .“‘And you must not give your emission to any beast to become unclean by it, and a woman should not stand before a beast to have connection with it. . . .

    Of course that only applies if you want to marry your pet horse, “Acorn” or your pet dog. “Spot”

    Indiana Woman Wants to Marry Her Pet Dog – Tries to Rally Support From Gay Rights’ Activists

  • freemindfade


    You sound like you are on the same path as me when it came to my truly unshackling myself from JW's, also I was agnostic for the same reasons, but over time of learning free from dogma, I realized that because some principles of Jesus were good, they are not exclusive. Many atheists have a love of life that I had to come to understand for myself. Basically they have no religion to die for, but they have everything to live for and when they are moral it's roots go far deeper and truer than doing it for a myth.

    Not trying to preach to you, I just feel you are starting this off the same way as myself. I came to an epiphany one day that indeed sexual relations between people (forget forinication and other negative words), Sex, a biological function of people as mammals is obsessed about way too much by abrahamic religions and their followers, where as killing is ok, for many petty things. According to the Jehovah's Witnesses, just for visiting this site, in the days of isreal you too would be buried up to your neck and have your loved ones throw stones at your head until you are dead. Look up apostasy in the insight book.

  • BluesBrother
    Anyone not a member of ISIS could surely only see this as brutal and barbaric. But the god that I worship not only condoned but commanded this to happen in the OT!

    Actually, this was the O.T. Law, a good deal more humane.

    16 “Now if a man seduces a virgin who is not engaged and he lies down with her, he must pay the bride-price for her to become his wife. 17 If her father absolutely refuses to give her to him, he is to pay the money at the rate of the bride-price. - Exodus 22 .16-17

    28 “If a man happens to meet a virgin girl who is not engaged and he seizes her and lies down with her and they are discovered, 29 the man who lay down with her must give the girl’s father 50 silver shekels, and she will become his wife. Because he humiliated her, he will not be allowed to divorce her as long as he lives. _ Deut. 22. 28

  • Tornintwo

    Really interesting answers, guys, thank you, much food for thought and research... interesting comments on what the OT does actually say about sex before marriage. (still a bit harsh to stone for adultery etc, though!, my point was more about stoning being justified for what today are deemed various personal sins at most, not crimes)

    Faye Dunaway, I like this answer, it is probably where I will end up eventually..

    I've got many issues with God but I also have faith and I'm sticking with him and maybe he'll give me answers in this life, maybe the next...it's just nice to be free to have my own opinions and not have to take the Bible completely literally, all or nothing anymore.

    People might say that is weak minded, that with enough research you should know one way or another - but isn't that what people, most far more intelligent than me, have been trying to figure out forevermore and yet:

    No one has all of the answers about evil, God or the afterlife. Everyone has a piece of the puzzle but no one has the entire puzzle. (Nicely put JA)

    it it seems like dogmatism is my big problem with JWs (or any religion) right now

  • Tornintwo


    Thanks for your comments, unshackling is a good word; it's a strange and often painful but enlightening process,one I've only just started

    Good point about apostasy, we better keep an eye out for the stones flying...

  • kaik
    Also, it is crucial to mention that fornication laws were implemented as a prevention for STD. Back then people did not know how to protect themselves from STD and it caused widespread biohazard problems for the society. Even Roman society had stricter laws against promiscuity, which were rooted in widespread gonorrhea outbreaks in the Roman times. In the 1st century also witnessed arrival of herpes, and it was only known to be spread by intimate contacts and Octavian Augustus issued laws that forbade kissing. Romans until late antiquity considered kissing as unclear act and was looked up with disgust by the society. Emperors like Commodus and Severus were known to kiss in the public causing a scandal.
  • iwasblind

    Great answer Fayedunaway. We don't have all of the answers, but sticking to God gives us the peace we need and motivation to help others.

    I have found it is the times that I am angriest with God that he is the most patient with me. I think of Jonah - he was a bit of a hot head with God and God took it and worked with him.

  • leaving_quietly

    Thanks, BluesBrothers... interesting that in neither instance was premarital sex forbidden or "an abomination". And since we're not under the Law today, the bride-price thing seems unnecessary, right?

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