My chat with Elder Dad. (I'm angry!!)

by home_and_dry 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • home_and_dry

    I feel the need for a rant!

    I had a conversation with my JW elder father tonight that has left me seething. Just to set the scene, I left the JWs back in 1994. I was baptized, having been DFd and reinstated a couple of years prior to my final exit in 94. I was never DFd again and pretty much left to my own devices. Most JWs still talk to me, I have a good relationship with my JW parents. Even though I live in sin and have two kids outside of marriage, Ive managed to keep my head down and no one bothers me.

    So tonight I was at my parents house and my father was just about to go out to an elders meeting as it is the COs visit. (oh jump for joy). I usually keep my opinions to myself but I was feeling quite bold and decided to ask him a few straight questions, which I have NEVER discussed with him previously. Heres how the conversation went:

    ME: Im surprised Ive never had the CO knocking on my door, in all these years.

    DAD: What do you mean, youre surprised youve never had a shepherding visit?

    ME: (getting slightly worried he might think I am asking for one) Yeah, kind of. I just mean that it is unusual that no one has ever chased me up, seeing as I am technically still a baptized JW.

    DAD: Well technically yes, but I think we both know you are not a JW by any stretch of the imagination.

    ME: (feeling complimented) yeah true but look at ******,(old JW friend of mine) she had to DA herself or end up DFd and she is in the same situation as me.

    DAD: Ah yes, but you drifted over a length of time and when we had the elders meeting about you.

    ME: (interrupts) The WHAT??? You had an elders meeting specifically about me?

    DAD: yes, we did, and we decided nothing would be gained by DFing you after all those months of inactivity.

    ME: Well I still think its unfair on ******, in fact DFing anyone is unfair. Think about it, if I wanted to come back now, it would be because I really wanted to, not because I couldnt deal with the misery of being shunned my everyone I know.

    DAD: (shakes head patronizingly) We wouldnt want anyone to come back under those circumstances. People only come back to the truth if they are repentant and love Jehovah. People would never come back just because they didnt like being DFd.

    ME: (getting angry) Well actually loads do just that.

    DAD: (still shaking his head) I doubt that. Like who?

    ME: Like me! Why do you think I got reinstated? It was because I couldnt deal with the psychological torture.

    DAD: then you did it for the wrong reasons then. And history has proved that, because you didnt stay in the truth. Perhaps in the future you will come back for the right reasons.

    ME: I doubt that very much. I am very happy now thankyou. Why would I want to go back to being miserable?

    DAD: oh, so you are happy now you have no responsibility? You can do what you like when you like.

    ME: (points to my children playing outside) THEY are my responsibility. And I cant do what I like when I like. Regardless of what you might think, I do have strong moral principles. They dont just all evaporate when I stopped going to meetings.

    DAD: Well I am glad to hear that. But you still have lifestyle issues that would need resolving before you came back.

    ME: (getting angrier) But I just said I dont want to come back!!!

    DAD: And we wouldnt want you.

    ME: Meaning???

    DAD: Until you sort your lifestyle out, there is no place for you in Jehovahs Organisation. To be honest I always thought that you would return to the truth, but you have let us down by your behaviour and your obvious lack of bible based principles.

    ME: Well its nice to finally find out just what you think of me. I thought we were close now, I certainly felt closer to you and mum since the JW religion was out of the equasion in our relationship.

    DAD: Well I have to go now.

    ME: Okay fine. Feel free to come round to my house anytime and we can discuss this further.

    So, after spending the last 7 years building up what I thought was a close father-daughter relationship, it turns out that he just sees me as an immoral god-knows-what. And I was especially p***** off by the fact that I am not good enough for his poxy weirdo cult with all its hypocrisy and child molestors. I am the person that tries my best and looks after my family best as I can, but even then, I will always be a failure in his eyes because Im not a JW. Elder first, father second. Simple as that.

    I know its all just stating the obvious when it comes to JWs but it just really got to me, actually hearing it all from him. I have always tried to spare my parents feelings, I take the mags to keep them happy, I nod and smile sweetly when they start the lecture, but I am getting closer to giving them the truth. The real truth, not their fantasy world version of it.

  • lv4fer

    Not really any of my business, but why do you live "in sin" and not get married. I take it you are not a Christian. Do you think it sets a good example for your kids? Would you want them to just live "in sin" and not get married? I'm just curious what your line of thinking on the matter is?

    I think what your Dad said is SO Jehovah's Witness! forgive him he is just mind controlled and in a cult.

    He really loves you and in his mind there is no hope for you unless you change your ways.

  • roybatty

    Not to be an ***hole, but what did you expect he'd say? Sounds like he threw his weight around, twisted a couple of arms and didn't let the other elders df you. JW sheperding at it's finest.

  • home_and_dry

    I really do want to be married! My partner and I always wanted to have a 'proper' wedding, a real white wedding with all the trimmings. We were never able to afford the type of wedding we wanted, with already having kids and a home to look after but we did plan to get married this year, in a church. But we also unexpectedly moved house earlier this year and that has taken most of the resources set aside for the wedding. So we had to postpone it.

    I do think its important to be married, and set a good example to the kids but i dont want to rush off down to the register office and then look back on it with regret for not making a big event out of it. If i had the money i would get married tomorrow. Thats the only reason why we're not. Hopefully next year.

    To be honest though, if my kids grow up and choose to 'live in sin', then i wouldnt have a problem with that. i think the stability of the relationship is more important than a piece of paper. For me, i feel its important for my partner and i to marry, but only because or relationship is a good strong tried and tested one and its right for us. I wouldnt expect my kids to see it they same way if thats not how they feel about marriage, but in an ideal world, of course i would love them to be happy and married.

  • gsx1138

    Sorry you had to go through that kind of crap. As for living in "sin", sin is a christian concept. For all of the trumpeting christians do about marriage not many of them stay married. If you and your significant other have a good relationship then marriage is only good for tax purposes. Lots of people like to romantacize marriage and hold it up like some mythical standard. But the romance always ends and reality sets in. The important thing, I think, is that whatever your family arrangement may be everyone should be happy.


  • 144001


    Given your personal circumstances (2 kids out of wedlock and living in sin), I would say that few parents (including JWs and "worldly" folks) wouldn't have some criticisms of your lifestyle and life choices. In your case, the tension is exacerbated by your father's status as an elder.

    I bet your father loves you and due to his sincere beliefs, he is doing what he feels is in your best interests. In the situation you described, it appears that you precipitated the negative exchange of words. Instead of aggravating the situation, try to avoid the religious discussions altogether. You and your dad are not going to agree on it, and bringing it up will only make the relationship more tenuous.

    Remember, you only have one set of parents, and the time to enjoy them is running out. Their beliefs aren't consistent with yours, but that doesn't mean they don't love you. Given what I've heard of other family relationships here, you are lucky your parents are still speaking with you. Don't blow it by exhibiting disrespect for their beliefs.

    My parents and I have an excellent relationship because I don't allow them to discuss any religious topics with me. I have extreme resentment for the Watchtower (and they are keenly aware of it), but I don't let it spoil the time I've got left with my parents.

    Good luck.

  • SYN

    LOL, "living in sin", hehehehe.

    Does a little gold band on your finger cure the sin? Just curious.

    People should live in love, not in sin.

  • truthseeker1

    to me its more than a piece of paper, its showing people about your commitment. I know you have kids and love him and that is where the real commitment comes from. But gettting married is just a way to show society that you truly are together as a family. If your already doing it, why not go down and sign the paper and spend the 10 buck to get a license. Throw a party, recite your vows when you are ready, but it is kinda silly playing married and holding off on a wedding because you want to have the wedding of your dreams. I don't want to seem like I'm judging you, just my opinion on this matter. Its great you found someone you can have kids with and love.

  • SoulJah

    Here's one for ya! I had this conversation with my dad about a week ago via instant message. Left me feeling burnt too.

  • anglise

    Sorry for what you are going through with your father at the moment. He was probably in "super dub mode" due to the CO visit and elders meeting.

    I know most reasonable elders dont enjoy these.

    As to the marriage question. If it was such an important thing to a creator why isnt the ceremony laid out in detail in the scriptures for mankind to follow. It just seems a bit odd that those who follow the bible shout so loud about marriage and yet I thing the only thing mentioned is becoming !one flesh" etc.

    Maybe others know differantly.


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