Will this work?

by SpiceItUp 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • JG

    regarding Quotes here is a bit from an E-mail from my sis is law today.

    I have no desire to go back to the JW's and that site
    about quotes from their literature was VERY
    interesting! I believe that they have some truth in
    their teachings...I just don't care to be beaten over
    the head with it and judged by them. Yes, it's very
    hard to find churches that don't teach the trinity.

    Hey Quote's I'm using ya I just wish I could get my wife on there.


  • Simon

    While publicly they will say they don't want to read the books, privately I think many are intrigued and curous to read some 'first hand accounts' by someone who was on the governing body.

    Same as when there is a TV programme, newspaper or magazine article about them - they can't resist watching or reading to see what it says. If it's something they are not supposed to see then they will publicly go along with it (and tell others not to as well) but I think many will take a peek if no one is watching.

    That is why the Internet is so powerful - people can get the information without too much fear of being found out (not like meeting the PO on the way out of the bookshop with a copy of Apostate books under you arm)

  • Prisca
    (not like meeting the PO on the way out of the bookshop with a copy of Apostate books under you arm)

    I remember the day I bought C of C from my local Christian bookstore. I was so worried that I'd bump into an elder on the way home.....

  • zenpunk

    One time my mother came in the house and saw C of C on the kitchen island. She turned bright red and basically tried to get out of the house as quickly as possible. They know that book shouldn't even be touched...lest the demons leap out of it..

  • garybuss

    Spice wrote: "I am thinking of trying this to maybe get my family to start questioning things."



  • SpiceItUp

    You guys all had good suggestions.

    I think I will read the books before I make any decision.

    garybuss - to answer your question... because I wold for once like to get to know who my family really is. I want to know who they are without all the ingrained dub doctrines. It would be nice to just have a normal conversation with them. I grew up without a real family and I think its time that I took steps to have one. I will not let fear hold me back anymore.


  • garybuss

    Spice you wrote,

    garybuss - to answer your question... because I wold for once like to get to know who my family really is. I want to know who they are without all the ingrained dub doctrines. It would be nice to just have a normal conversation with them. I grew up without a real family and I think its time that I took steps to have one. I will not let fear hold me back anymore.

    Thanks for answering. I got to know my relatives and I do not like what I learned. I liked the dream better. Now I lost the dream and the relatives as well. :-)

    Best wishes to you. I hope you get all that you want.


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