JW commercial on t.v. news channel

by LyinEyes 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    I can not beleive what I just saw on the All News Channel. It was a commercial endorsed by the Christain Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    The commercial starts off with a mom checking on her son,who can not sleep . He is upset and by the drawing he did, you can tell it is about the World Trade center attacks. The mom is sitting on the bed and gets the bible out, and comforts her child.

    The narrator of the commercial tells audience that in these troubling times, you should take the time to talk to your children. Even quoted a scriptures from Titus.

    I saw the commercial just a few minutes ago.. It did look like she was reading from the brown reference bible.

    Did anyone eles see this?

  • LB

    Now that is too much. I recall a CO telling me that the society would never stoop to doing TV commercials. He said that would be a sign that the organization has lost the spirit. After all Christ said to go door to door, churches like Catholics and Mormans use TV. Remember Satan rules the airwaves.

    I think it's a good idea and when I brought it up to the CO I told him that I was surprised the society didn't use TV.

    New light again???

  • LB

    Just noticed your new profile pic Lying Eyes, it's a good one.

  • larc

    It should have shown the mother taking out a WT book with an illustration of Armageddon, and pointing out that at that time, all the buildings will be taken out, not just two of them. That would have cheered up the little lad.

  • LDH

    Here's the link to the new ad.


    By the by, since these are "Public Service Announcements," LOL, they are airing for free.


  • LB

    Thanks for the link Lisa, now I'll go make myself sick.

  • Amazing

    WHAT !!! The WTS just got through comdemning the MEDIA as the tool of the DEVIL at the District Convention that Bill Bowen reported on ... and now they USE the MEDIA to ADVERTIZE !!! What Hypocrits!!! Thanks for this post, it is most enlightening. Btw: What 'all news' channel did you see it, Fox News or CNN or someother?

    Edited by - Amazing on 26 June 2002 20:3:50

  • Dawn

    I'm getting sick...........gag................

  • DevonMcBride

    A news channel, huh? After they report about the war against terrorism, the terroristic threats in the U.S., the problems in the Middle East and the Asteroid almost hitting earth, they show a JW commercial . I see a connection here.


    "And the farmer took another load away......It wasn't hay!"

  • voltaire

    It looks like the WT has started its long, probably slow, descent into mainstrean Christianity. The only reason the WT doesn't use the media is because they were pressured to quit using their radio station. That was probably due to the incredibly inflamatory nature of Rutherford's messages. Now they're going to try it again because they must "fight fire with fire". The fact that they're using the media is a victory for those who want the society to modify its behavior. I think they'll gradually be dragged into the mainstream.

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