I Have a Question

by Farkel 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Isn't there a similar picture in the COC book? I must remember to keep my copy in my purse for moments like these!!

    OUTLAW....then I must be from the 'olden days' cos I remember that. It was usually only the sister conducting the book study that wore the tissue/napkin/handkerchief. Were we silly or what?


    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 26 June 2002 0:31:33

  • Prisca

    BTW, I have a Proclaimers book at home, but I am at work presently, so when I get home I'll take a look at the picture and then give you my honest opinion, ok?

    PS outlaw - the pic Farkel is talking about is from the Roaring 20s, I wasn't referring to the experiences you and Beck were talking about.

  • Farkel


    :BTW, I have a Proclaimers book at home, but I am at work presently, so when I get home I'll take a look at the picture and then give you my honest opinion, ok?

    Kewl. Just scan it and post it, so all can see. Then we can discuss it.


  • Beck_Melbourne

    Yeah I know what you mean about fashion Prisca...seems odd that the entire congregation of women were wearing head coverings. It does lead to the conclusion that it could have been a fashionable thing in those days...I get a very victorian image....is that what you mean? Damn it Farkel, now I NEED to see that picture before I can rest tonight!!

    I still think there is one in the COC book!
    C'mon AlanF...chop chop!!


  • Prisca


    The pic I think you are referring to is on page 258 of the Proclaimers book. Either that or the one on the opposite page.

    I scanned the pic, but when I tried to email it to you, it was too large for hotmail to send.

    I don't believe I can just attach the pic on this post, otherwise I would.

    Can anyone else scan it?

  • IslandWoman


    It seems from the picture in the Proclaimers that the women with something resembling a doily on their heads may be just following the custom of wearing a hat at church. Many women in the picture are wearing hats, a few seem to have no head covering, then there are the ones you mention.

    I know in the fifties women just about always wore hats to church, Rutherford is speaking in an outdoor setting but I'm sure that it was non the less regarded as a religious meeting. It could be that those with the white cloths on their heads did not think to wear a hat because of the outdoor setting, but then when seeing the other women with hats felt they too should have something on their heads due to the religious nature of the occasion.


  • battman

    Great thread Fark,

    I just looked at the picture and it shows about 1/2 the
    women fok wearing regular (for that era/age/generation)
    hats and the others have what appears to be a cloth or
    kleenex/napkin. So the "Paper Class" must have come
    unprepared and hat to catch up/ so as to conform to Jah/\'s
    loving arrangement.



  • Farkel


    send it here: [email protected]

    and I'll put it up!


  • SYN

    OK, this has to be the most bizarre Google image search I've ever done. My boss is going to give me all sorts of strange looks when he sees that I've been looking for 1920s hat info on Google!

    My question is, how did you see in these things? When wearing a hat like this, I guess you just have to hope & pray that a bird doesn't try to launch a liquid bomb onto your head. Well, at least it won't get into your hair.

    Don't really know what this has to do with 1920s fashion, but it kept popping up, so I figured I'd stick it in here

    For the more funky 1920s ladies? This would probably have instigated a sheperding call if you ask me! Those Dubs were STRICT back then!

    Perfect for elderettes!

    This is what happens after a food fight at a 1920s Convention! Those Elderettes were really tossing 'em! Oh well, that's one thing you can do with Convention Food (TM), I guess.

    These ones are great if you're a 1920s chick and you're on acid too!

    Presenting the Thermal Mesh Cloche! For those "advanced" Sisters!

    HMMM. I think I went off the topic a bit.

  • Shimmer

    They look more like lace head-scarves. Kind of like what the mennonite women wear.


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