Hangover cure

by Elders_Kid 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • eyegirl

    i find a big glass of water and 3-4 aspirin before bed will usually do me. if not, i keep prescription ibuprofen close by for the morning--those things work miracles!!!!


  • SpiceItUp

    Dont mix your liquors...drink lots of water.... and take a vitamin B-12.

  • Valis

    bitters and sode w/lime...plus a big order of cheese fires w/dips....then another beer of course..


    District Overbeer

  • xenawarrior

    Much to the irritation of my friends- I haven't had a hangover in 10 years. Before I go to bed I take Advil and 3 B-Complex. Alcohol depletes your body of many vitamins- but in particular the B vitamins.


  • JanH

    Drinking water while and especially after drinking alcohol. Don't go to sleep while still having alcohol getting into your blood stream. Preferrably, get some food before you go to bed. While you drink, step down, don't step up, at the end of the night. And pure spirits at the end of the night is murder. At that time, you are getting into drinking fast, and it does you little good to pour down even the best scotch. My #1 rule is never ending the night with whisky or cognac.

    The next day, drinking lots of water is good. And you do need food, even if it feels like you'd die if you ate anything.

    Sure, repairing with any alcohol works perfectly, but unless you want to have to repeat the performance the next day, it may not be such a good idea.

    Be aware that severe hangovers, especially when you get stomach aches and/or nausea, can be a sign of a medical problem you should consult your dr about.

    Finally, if you repeatedly go out for "just a few beers" and end up totally wasted because you can't stop, you should probably not drink at all.

    - Jan

  • omiecoop

    Coming from a "former" professional:

    1 pint (minimum) whole milk

    1 small bag of Frito-Lay plain potato chips

    If all goes well, 30 minutes later drink the soft drink of your choice and use it to wash down 1 GOODY powder (I suppose you could substitute any non acetaminophen product---the powder form is the important part.)

    You should be as good as new very shortly!

  • buffy

    Drink lots of Gatorade and Vitamin B, then hit the hay. Always works for me. Even after sailing w/ the Captain.

  • DakotaRed

    I found the best way to cure a hangover is to not have it in the first place. My last hangover lasted almost three days and I was miserable. Since then, and then was back in 1970, I drink only in moderation.

    To me, the omportant thing is that get to hangover, you have to be quite drunk. While that drunk, what are the odds that you might get a car and drive away and possibly kill some innocent people? So, hate to be a killjoy, but I don't drink enough to get drunk. But, it is fun watching others make asses out of themselves at parties and such

  • JanH
    While that drunk, what are the odds that you might get a car and drive away and possibly kill some innocent people?

    Exactly zero.

    - Jan

  • Imbue

    The best cure for hangovers is to avoid ETOH in the first place!

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