A simple question for You Know

by toddy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • hillary_step
    Freedom form what? Freedom from reason? Do you imagine that just because the world didn't end then, that now, by some sort of magic, or similar fantasy, that Jehovah's judgment will not finally overtake this system? The reasoning of apostates is infantile

    Perhaps YK once again you are missing the point. You carefully build your own obstacles and then fall over them and blame 'infantile apostates' for putting them there

    You represent people who have consistently made mistakes in their theological interpretations. The writer of the post is merely acknowledging that this is a fact. You have agreed with this by implication.

    So the next stage in you development to becoming a real 'apostate' as opposed to the closet variety is to get you to see that if they made mistakes over such serious interpretations of scripture with life-changing implications, why should they be trusted at all? At this stage you normally squirm from the clutches of logic by pulling the well worn clause from your escape kit. You know the one, "I do not follow men. I follow scripture". Robert, you have been busted so often in the past three threads that you will soon need to bow before your apostate masters....lol

    This is beggining to resemble the thread where you argued Readers Digest level science with AlanF over the concepts of a universal deluge, made yourself look like an ace bufoon and then announced yourself the winner of the debate...lol.



    "The reasoning of apostates is infintile"..LOL Hey YK,there are very few apostates here,and I mean not many !!!(YOUR just too dam stupid to see it!!)(LOL!!)Maybe thats why you have such a hard time here...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 24 June 2002 23:17:29

  • Grout
    My point has always been, that ridiculers of Jehovah's judgments have always been steamrolled eventually.

    I feel a distinct presence of three dimensions. Nobody's flattened me. And before you say that I will be flattened someday in the future, your statement is in the past perfect tense.

    "They laughed at Newton. They laughed at Einstein.... But they also laughed at Bozo The Clown."

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    Hey YK,

    Oh good, you acknoledge that 1925 and 1975 the JW's predicted the end of the world.. Excellent, you have taken the first step towards freedom.

    Freedom form what? Freedom from reason? Do you imagine that just because the world didn't end then, that now, by some sort of magic, or similar fantasy, that Jehovah's judgment will not finally overtake this system? The reasoning of apostates is infantile. / You Know

    First, I am not an apostate. I love god with my whole heart and sole. Nor was I ever one of Jehovah's Witnesses, either baptized or unbaptized!

    Second, the freedom I was referring to was once you examined the scriptures and realized that the WT did infact predict 1925/1975 in the name of God and that they are, by biblical standards, a false prophet, that you will be freed from your bonds of slavery that the WT has you under.

    And, finally, I never said the world will not come to an end. My reply never stated such, as I was not talking about such. If you are not one of Jehovah's Witnesses then I appologize for the "freedom" part, since it is clear that you wouldn't need freeing from the bonds of slavery. Are you one of Jehovah's Witnesses?

  • HomebutHiding

    And "Christians" who associate with apostates will be steamrolled eventually. Hypocrite.

  • crawdad2

    hi again fred,........ i notice you side-stepped the whole issue again........... you were asked to comment on all the false prophechys that the watchtower has produced in god's name............. you even brougt up a couple of dates yourself .....1925, 1975........ care to comment on deut 18:20?

    one more question, ........ when the end does come......... who is going to be destroyed, us (who makes no predicitons).......... or you and the watchtower leaders???...... matt 24:24.

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