I kinda feel out of tune with the board

by Kingpawn 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kingpawn

    I've read lots of the threads over the past months, and think I understand the board's "makeup" of people (and please correct me if I'm wrong). If I'm right, I might have a hard time relating to what the rest of you have gone through.

    I became a JW in 1979 or so, and spent more time studying to be one than being one. I was DF'ed a short time later, briefly went through an effort to rejoin, and called it off when my first child was born. Ironically, all three elders who DF'ed me are themselves DF'ed.

    My point: many of you were in it for decades and the seperation was/is very painful for you. Me, I didn't much care. I don't feel any lingering pain over it. My problem is I can still accept the doctrines (no blood, no holidays, etc) because I can't argue with the logic of some of them (ex.: the Trinity. *Was* the universe w/o God for nine months while Mary carried the Christ child? How much sense does that make?).

    Sure, I was a nice parrot for doctrines when needed. I went door-to-door and all that. But I guess what bothers me is I don't feel...like those here who were in it for a long time (many will probably say I was lucky to've gotten out so soon) and were thrown out. I don't argue with my being DF'ed even though it was an expulsion by confession, not the testimony of two or three others. So in many ways I feel like a stranger, out of focus, unable to relate--*that's* the phrase I was looking for all this time!

    There must be others like me, or there have been. So how do I learn to relate when I may've set a record for the shortest time as an actual dub? I hope this makes sense.


  • neyank

    Hi Mark,

    Welcome to the board.

    You don't need to feel out of tune here.

    On this board we have people that were in the org. most of their lives,
    some that were in it for a much shorter time, some that were born into it,
    and some that chose it as well as some that only studied and we actually have some that are only slightly interested in the subject of JW's.

    I think that about covers everyone.

    The one thing most have in common is the fact we thought the WTS was the 'TRUTH'.


  • Prisca


    We have one poster here who was df'd just 3 months after her baptism, so there is someone here with a shorter record than you!

    Many people here are at all different stages with their experience being JWs. Some of us were born into it, others like you came into it later on in life. Some were severely stung in their exit, others walked away without too much trauma. Generally, those who were hurt most are the ones more likely to speak up and protest about their pain. The WTS is responsible for misleading many, and their doctrines led to broken families, depression, and in some cases, suicide.

    I would suggest you hang around for a while, and you will see a variety of personalities. Read the Personal Experiences forum to see what many have gone through. Even though no one may have the exact same circumstances to you, often you will see parallels in the attitudes of elders, expectations of fellow JWs, and the results of trying to live by the doctrines of the WTS.

    If you stick around, I am sure you will find friends who do have some things in common with you.

  • ballistic

    Mark, there are hundreds of thousands of disfelowshipped persons, maybe millions, but even out of those who have the internet, there are some who will not find this place interesting.

    Some of my fleshly brothers and sisters for example who, whether baptised or not, never really took up the religion and pioneered or had spiritual goals... you know how the society puts it... "made the truth your own".

    You'll find that most of the people here, really did meditate on God's word, helped bring others into the "truth", some were elders, others like me went to pioneer school and had the bethel calling so to speak.

    I can only speak for myself, but I felt like the carpet was tugged from under my feet, not by Satan or his demons, but by my local body of elders. I had been brought up in the truth and it was all I knew. I cannot over emphasise what a barbaric, sickening practise this disfellowshipping of good-hearted individuals is. If there is such a thing as an apostate, it is purely created by the organisation through it's disfellowshipping policies. The organisation is, in effect, keeping alive the apostate myth through disfellowshipping, and here we are to prove it.

  • HomebutHiding

    Mark, I would say, count your blessings. Feel grateful that you don't have the level of regret that some of us who gave years of ourselves to the org. now have. We feel completely duped and robbed of life during those years. The fact that you didn't buy in, and were resistant to being brainwashed is in your favor. You needn't feel totally akin to the rest of us in that. Still, and I speak for others of us who post here, you are most welcome to join in the discussions, post your opinions and feelings. This ability, alone, makes this a wonderful place to be, since as a JW, independent thinking and opinion is discouraged, to put it mildly. As far as accepting certaing doctrines, you have the freedom to accept and/or reject anything you want, also something a JW cannot do, but I would encourage you to really search out information on some of those topics. I think you will be better equipped to form an opinion with all the input. Just my two cwnts. Thanks for listening. HbH

  • gumby

    Hi KP! Welcome

    My point: many of you were in it for decades and the seperation was/is very painful for you. Me, I didn't much care. I don't feel any lingering pain over it. My problem is I can still accept the doctrines (no blood, no holidays, etc) because I can't argue with the logic of some of them (ex.: the Trinity. *Was* the universe w/o God for nine months while Mary carried the Christ child? How much sense does that make?).

    The 'lingering pain comes when you have family and many friends who are still JW'S and can have nothing more to do with you.

    It also comes from following doctrines that were once taught by the society.....and you followed that doctrine......and then the doctrine changed. Many deaths,incarcerations, family split-ups, have resulted from wrong doctrine from the society, that was later changed. This causes unbearable "pain" for thousands.

    My problem is I can still accept the doctrine

    You do not need to feel that you have a problem in this area. Many on this board believe the JW's have some of the doctrines you mentioned correct. The trinity, immortality of the soul, hellfire, etc., are seen to be wrong doctrine by many here.....you are not alone in this.

    If you stick around awhile and make more posts....you will see you DO fit in.

    We are glad you are here and willing to share. Thanks

  • invisible

    From one 'Celtic' Mark to another Mark.

    No need to feel out of place, you're as welcome here as anyone else. The fact that you have no lingering troubles is to be perceived and appreciated in a good light. OK I too, do not anymore have any JW related issues to work through, I was in from birth til 28 years old, out now, d'fed for just over 7 years, its been hellish work recovering, but at least now, perhaps for the first time in my life, I'm actually getting a grasp of who I am as an individual.

    Welcome, and hope your'e stay here is a pleasant one.

    All the best!!

    'Celtic' Mark

    Cornwall UK


    [email protected]

  • SpiceItUp

    Welcome Mark....

    Glad to have you here. It really doesnt matter if you were with the JW's for 40 yrs or never. If you have any theological questions reguarding the JW religion cult this is a good forum to discuss them. It is also a way to make some new friends and throw around some fluff which we do on a daily basis as well.

    You will find some agreement and some disagreement but just remember it wouldn't help any of us if we all had the same background and viewpoints now would it. You will find the support, fluff and intense discussion - whenever you are looking for it. I hope you stick around as you will find the peolple here to be a tad bit crazy at times but one of the best bunches I have indeed ever met.

    Again I welcome you!


  • lv4fer

    You know it's interesting that you still accept their doctrines. Did you know that most people don't believe the trinity as the watchtower says they do.

    The trinity is not saying that God and Jesus are the same person. They are of the same essence. As is the Holy Spirit. It is really a Tri-Unity not a Trinity. That is why there is God-the father, God-the son, and God-the Holy Spirit. Not three Gods but 3 persons are one God. First of all you have to understand that the bible does not teach that God created Jesus, its says that Jesus was begotten of the father. That is two totally different teachings. Where in the bible does it say that Jehovah is the big God and Jesus is a little lesser God.

    The first thing you have to do is stop using the NWT of the bible, it is filled with inaccuracies. You can use any other translation but that one, it is the worst.

    You might want to spend some time looking at the resurrection and how the new testament doesn't talk about some being resurrected to earth and others to heaven. Revelation chapter 7 talks about the 144,000 and the great crowd both being "before the throne" that is in heaven.

    These are just a few things that are incorrect.

  • JuliG

    Hi Mark! I have never been a JW, but my life has been impacted by the org. My stepson was raised against my husband's wishes 'in the truth', after his biomom took him 2500 miles away. When she was disfellowshipped we became instant parents to a 12 yr old JW who had only learned bad things about wordly people, and was a real punk to boot. I had to learn about the org really quickly, and what I learned led me to do research into their belief system. I now do a little outreach and education on JW beliefs (since they bring them to the door and people do not have to seek them out to be influenced by them).

    I don't post much, but I read a lot and really appreciate all of the work and research done by the individuals on this board. They are a great bunch!

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