WatchTower Study 4 Sept, 2002

by plmkrzy 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LDH

    WTF is that old man supposed to be depicting?

    He looks like he's smoked one too many crack rocks for me!

    I can't believe they're still beating that dead horse, the one about Dathan and Abirim.


  • Nanoprobe

    Writing Committee Meeting:

    Bro John: So Brother Bob, you have had the job of visiting the silentlambs and JWD websites, what is the consensus?

    Bro Bob: Yes, Brother John, I have been studying the postings of those apostates. It does appear that a "few" think the elders have no compassion and dont protect the children.

    Bro John: Brother Bob, how can that be? Didnt Brother JR call the victims, Lapsed Witnesses that are Open Prey for exploiters? I thought that was extremely sympathetic. I guess well never figure out those apostates. so what article we should write?

    Bro Bob; First of all lets tell them that the elders are imperfect. In Paragraph 2 write : They could not read the hearts of their fellow men. Now we dont want the publishers to think about this thought too long or they might wonder how elders are able to disfellowhsip people.

    Bro John: Well lets move along then. And lets throw in a scripture about children, okay , You should hear the little one as same as a great one.

    Bro Bob ; Enough nicey, nice Now its time to bring out the Korah story, that worked pretty good at last years assembly. Everyone will know we mean Bill Bowen and his followers. Next s care the publishers with "Open rebellion" and "Jehovah must intervene" and "Taking side of the conspirators".

    Bro John: Finish up with the elders again. These men deserve our respect and wholehearted support, whether they are anointed or not. Paragraph#18 Talk about all the good things they do..Think any publisher will notice the elders dont actually do much of this stuff except the meetings?

    Bro Bob; Nah, those publishers dont notice a thing. Now finish up with the compassion topic. Older men are not perfect. Paragraph#21 With this in mind they constantly strive to cultivate such godly qualities as love, compassion, and patience.

  • D8TA

    This article screams DAMAGE CONTROL! Hey, it's the "right of abusers to go to the police"...right? Semantics. Yes, it's the "LEGAL RIGHT" to do so, but if you hamstring the elders by NOT TAKING ELDER advice as to NOT TO GO TO THE POLICE, then you are going against this so called "arrangement". Pack your bags, this article is going to take you on a guilt trip. JW's are in essence, but not directly, told to follow this "arrangement" in this article.


  • Nanoprobe

    listening to and obeying the elders is definitely the "arrangement" I'm rather curious about the "whether Anointed or not" statement, is this preparing us for the day when there are no more anointed?

  • betweenworlds

    The annointed or not thing kinda sticks out like a sore thumb doesn't it???

  • SpiderMonkey

    dang, check out question #22... "how has reviewing the account of Korah strengthened YOUR faith in Jehovah's visible organization?"

    yeahhhhh, buddy, that tale was a one-to-one correspondence with JWs today. after all, don't we also have miracles and scourges and fire coming from the heavens to show who's REALLY god's rep & who's not? d'oh. never mind.

    Lisa, that was my take also on the picture of the old man... I think he's saying "The bugs, the bugs, get'em off me" or something like that.

    I can't believe I just read a WT article! and this was even one of those WT studies where I'd flip to the end and go "rats, twenty-TWO whole paragraphs! this sucks!"

    ew, I need to go take a bath.


  • plmkrzy

    LMAO@Lisa ! I was wondering the same thing!

    I just HAD to find out !

    BTW Did this pic show up or is it a red X?

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 22 June 2002 1:47:52

  • plmkrzy

    does anyone else find this amusing or am I just being silly? hmmmmmm.

  • plmkrzy

    KORA shoulda stayed off the Internet.

  • Pathofthorns

    I find paragraphs 8-12 on Korah interesting because they seem to indicate valid reasons why he may have justified his own actions in opposing Moses' authority but why he was wrong to have done so.

    This seems to be saying that people such as Bill Bowen or Barb Anderson that are aware of errors committed by this organization and who feel they have just cause in creating a division over these matters are wrong not to "wait on Jehovah" and respect his "channel".

    I think the language used in these paragraphs is a warning to others who might get the same idea - even if they have legitimate complaints. The artical is also creating a paranoia of persons who bring up legitimate complaints so that these are automatically assumed to be "causing divisions".

    The Society knows not all is well in the 'spiritual paradise' but this artical in typical WT arrogance puts anyone disagreeing with them in a bad light while they refuse to acknowledge their own abuse of authority and excuse the sins they have committed over the years.


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